Choose Jesus

People tell me that they love my posts and look forward to them. This has made me feel the need to write something awesome every week, which has caused me to feel a little overwhelmed and is the reason I didn’t write one last week. From now on, I will not miss another week, and I apologize if you are disappointed, but I realized the point isn’t to wow everyone every week. So everyone lower your future expectations haha. I have had an amazing couple of weeks. We spent the weekend of the fourth up at the cabin, and it was a blast. Literally. I had an amazing conversation with Mark Durham, who is a relative of mine. I don’t know very many people who are as close to the spirit as he is. He is color blind and has learned to mix colors and paint using only THE SPIRIT to guide him to the correct colors and mixtures. So amazing. He has served as a bishop, mission president, and is currently a patriarch. He was a successful businessman and has a strong faithful family. I hope I am just li...