
Who would you bring

I had a couple very intimate and spiritual conversations this week. One with my grandpa, and one with a member of the mission presidency. I was trying to get some insight on some questions I’ve had recently. My questions are many, but ultimately, I want to know that I am where God wants me to be, doing what He wants me to do. These men are full of love for me and for the Lord. They both dramatically strengthened my testimony of the priesthood authority and spiritual guidance that worthy men can have. Here is my message In 3 Nephi 17, we read about Christ’s final moments with the people. Jesus says in verse 7, “Have ye any that are sick among you? Bring them hither. Have ye any that are lame, or blind, or halt, or maimed, or leprous, or that are withered, or that are deaf, or that are afflicted in any manner? Bring them hither and I will heal them, for I have compassion upon you; my bowels are filled with mercy.” I always imagine myself being brought to and    healed by Jesus. What an a

Commandment Giver

Think of giving or receiving the perfect gift. There is much thought that goes into picking out the perfect gift. The giver always carefully considers the receivers circumstances, wants, and needs. They want the receiver to be happy and appreciate the gift. It is a kind gesture made out of love, so the giver expects the receiver to KEEP and use the gift as intended, always expressing thanks. As the receiver of a gift, we are to KEEP the gift and use it as it was intended. We are to show our gratitude and respect to the giver. Regifting, changing, selling, or throwing the gift away is rude and unappreciative.  Now think of God’s commandments. He is the perfect gift giver. His commandments are gifts, given out of His perfect love for each and every one of us. We are asked to KEEP them. Not follow them. Not change them. KEEP them. Cherish them. Appreciate them. Thank Him for them. Treat them like you would a gift. God’s commandments are the best gift you will ever receive, given out of th


Lucifer: Meaning "light-bringer" or "morning star," this name reflects his initial exalted status. Satan: After his rebellion, Lucifer became known as Satan, meaning "adversary" or "accuser," signifying his role in opposition to God and humanity. The Devil: This title underscores his malevolent nature as the chief enemy of God’s plan of happiness and the deceiver of mankind. Satan, originally called Lucifer, is a spirit son of God who once held a significant position "in authority in the presence of God." During the Council in Heaven, Lucifer rebelled against God’s plan, proposing to destroy human agency and redeem all souls in exchange for God's glory. Heavenly Father rejected his plan in favor of Jesus Christ, which preserved agency and gave glory to God. Enraged, Lucifer led a rebellion, persuading a third of the hosts of heaven to follow him. As a result, they were cast out of heaven, losing their chance to receive physical bodi


A message for all, but particularly missionaries and those struggling to find happiness. During an English Chat session this week, I met an amazing woman. She lives in Kenya. She is a single mother of three, a student at BYU Idaho online, and she works full time to provide for her family. She cooks and cleans every meal. Her husband left the church and their little family. She stands alone as the only convert to the church in her family. She and her three children walk 2 miles both ways every week to attend their branch, where she teaches Sunday school. She is a worthy temple recommend holder who lives hours from the nearest temple, to which she’s never even been. She is so humble, kind, and happy.  During our conversation, I asked her this question. “If you could be anywhere in the world doing anything you wanted, where would you be and what would you be doing?” I imagined her saying that she would want to be on a beautiful tropical beach somewhere reading a good book and sippin a piƱ


In the heat of the Civil War, a 19 year old Union soldier fell asleep during his guard duty. A whole flank of the army was killed on his watch. The just penalty for his mistake was death. The boy, having lost friends and many fellow soldiers, felt this was what he deserved. He was subject to the law of justice.   President Lincoln was ready to sign the warrant for his execution. The soldier’s sweet mother, having lost her husband and one by one all five of her other children to the war, pleaded for him to forgive the penalty. Her heart couldn’t bear to lose her last child. He was all she had left. President Lincoln, having compassion on the grief-stricken mother, pardoned the young soldier. Not for the soldiers sake, but for the mother’s sake.  I love this story. It is such a good example of how mercy outweighs justice. The atonement is crucial to God’s plan. It had to be Jehovah. He is the beloved Son. He loves and is loved by all things He created. Jesus Christ suffered and died that

The Blessing of Unanswered Prayers

Doctrine and Covenants 4:7 Ask, and ye shall receive; knock, and it shall be opened unto you. Amen. We are all familiar with this concept taught in the scriptures. We sometimes mistakenly think this means that God will always give us the blessing or answer we are looking for. Let me share a story.  A good friend of mine told me that his little boy was awake in the night throwing up. He pleaded with God to just help him sleep through the night. God is so powerful, and this was such a small thing that would help his family so much in that moment. His child proceeded to throw up multiple times that night.  We all pray for things like this. Of course he loves his child and wants him to be healthy. So does God. So why did it feel like God didn’t answer his prayer?  A few scriptures to help D&C 88  63 Draw near unto me and I will draw near unto you; seek me diligently and ye shall find me; ask, and ye shall receive; knock, and it shall be opened unto you. 64 Whatsoever ye ask the Father


I was able to go up to the cabin for our family reunion as a missionary! I love Montana. I love my family. I am so grateful for the knowledge and testimonies of Christ and His church that we all share. We, as members of His true and living church, really are the luckiest people on Earth. Families are central to God’s plan. They can be rough sometimes, and no family is perfect, but that’s the way they are intended to be. We are given families to help us become more like Christ. He is the perfect example. Strive to emulate Him in all your interactions, but especially your family. Honor your parents. Love your siblings, in-laws, and all others as yourself. Charity is the key. Pray for it. God is listening.