4 Months

It has been 4 months since Porter's accident on April 26th. I apologize for not having posted in about a month. I'm sorry I haven't written down as faithfully what we've been doing and feeling. I regret it. It has been a rollercoaster, to say the least. Someone told us that the first 6 months after you leave the rehab hospital are rough. So far, they are correct. I feel bad that this blog is in my voice, because I know the last few weeks have been VERY different depending from who's perspective you're hearing it. In the hospital and rehab facility, mine and Porter's lives were basically the same. We did everything together. Now, we are living very different lives. Since this is a blog about Porter's spinal cord injury and recovery, I feel as though I should give you all the details about him, and his journey. But, what I know and experience and feel about it, is my journey from my perspective. And while it would be fun and way more interesting to hear a...