Goodbye 2021
2022 is here. I can't really believe it. Life is one continual blur. It's like on a mission, when the days are long and the weeks fly by. It has been 8+ months. (Back when I wrote this) Also like a mission, we are into a groove and are learning new things all the time, but using what we do know, to keep momentum. Porter continues to be upbeat, positive and happy. Every single day he wakes up smiling and trying to make me laugh. I wish I felt that way. I am mostly doing well, but I'm still trying to find myself in it all. Following Thanksgiving, we had some decisions to make. I had been feeling like Paul and Sawyer needed some attention. They were doing fine, but I could tell that something needed to change. It was a part of my world that I was worried about. Paul and I talked and we decided maybe it would be better for us to cut back a day or two doing therapy in Utah and spend more time together as a family in Idaho. Which presented some problems, because we would need to...