THE Light

Imagine standing alone in absolute darkness. You can see nothing. Your heart beats faster, your breath becomes shallow, and your mind starts to race with unseen dangers. Fear, worry, and doubt cause you to want to shrink. You reach out, but there is nothing. Only emptiness and uncertainty. In that moment, what you long for most is simple : light. Why are we scared of the dark? It’s simple. Darkness doesn’t have an origin. The definition of darkness is literally the absence of light. This is why Satan is so closely associated with darkness. He cannot generate darkness the way God generates light. Instead, he works by removing, blocking, or distorting light and truth. The Lord said “I am the true light that lighteth every man that cometh into the world.” (D&C 93:2) We are all filled with the light of Christ, which is why we naturally seek truth, goodness, and clarity. The light of Christ brings understanding and assurance, while darkness brings confusion and fear. As...