If you are wondering about the title, read this whole post. At zone c onference, I was able to get up and share my story and testimony. I explained the role of a service missionary and a list that the proselyting missionaries were given that provided them with the info of service missionaries who want to teach. It went well and the missionaries were very nice. During a lesson Elder Clawson and I were teaching about God’s plan of salvation, I was bearing my testimony about the atonement and resurrection. The spirit was so strong as I explained my new-found love and gratitude for the resurrection. Since my accident, the promise of a perfect resurrected body has been my source of hope. Jesus Christ is my hope. My joy. My perfect big brother. My friend. My savior. Because of Him, I know I will be healed. I don’t know what I would do without Him. It is so cool to have friends and cousins serving missions with me. I am learning and growing so much. One thing I learned a TON about...