Pray, He Is There

This week I felt useless and lost without the temple, but we went to the Jake Scott concert in Rexburg so I guess that made up for it. #eatdrinkandbemerry 

Jokes. The temple can’t be replaced.

I was able to go to Abby’s farewell on Sunday. She did amazing and I’m so proud of her. It makes me so happy to watch her make the decision to serve the Lord. I know it’ll bless her and her family and I can’t wait for her to be a missionary. Her testimony will grow so much and she will bless so many lives with her light and love.

Paul and I went to a fun and delicious Swiss dinner at the Bailey’s house. We had some great food and some great conversation! 

From President Susan H. Porter’s talk titled Pray, He Is There:

“I invite you to pray to know Heavenly Father is there, pray to grow to become like Him, and pray to show His love to others.”

“Sometimes you may want to know why something hard is happening in your life or why you didn’t receive a blessing you prayed for. Often the best question to ask Heavenly Father is not why but what.

Do you remember when Nephi and his family were hungry while they were traveling in the wilderness? When Nephi and his brothers went to hunt for food, Nephi broke his bow. But he didn’t ask why.

Nephi made a new bow and asked his father, Lehi, where he could go to get food. Lehi prayed, and the Lord showed them where Nephi could go. Heavenly Father will guide you when you ask Him what you can do and what you can learn.”

Prayer is one of the greatest gifts we have all been given. It is more powerful than we realize. God is there. He is listening. He will answer if we are worthy and faithful. 


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