What matters most?
My family was discussing how much money we would want in order to do certain things. For example, how much money would someone have to give you to never wear shoes or socks ever again? (I said 20 bucks lol) To never listen to music again? To never watch sports again? To give up all electronics? To go vegetarian? There are endless amounts of things we would give up for money.
After a couple minutes of fun discussion, I started to see a pattern and realized something. There are certain things that are worth more than all the money on earth. I invite you to ask yourself the following questions. Ponder them and write down what you think of. What things matter the most to me? Which things would require the most money? Which things would I never say, do, or give up for any amount of money?
These questions are important. They can help us think of what we are truly grateful for and what matters most to us. Here are just some of mine. My family, my body, my testimony, my relationship with the members of the Godhead, my ability to apply the atonement in my life, the gift of the Holy Ghost, prayer, personal revelation, agency, knowledge, commandments, covenants, trials, baptism, the sacrament, repentance, the scriptures, service, the priesthood, the temple, prophets and apostles, the gospel, and everything they encompass.
I would not give up a single one of these things for any amount of money or fame. The plan of salvation is perfect. The things necessary for salvation and exaltation are the things we need to focus on. Seek an eternal perspective!
Please take a minute to make your list and text it to me. I’d love to hear yours!
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