One year ago

Can you believe it? It’s been a year. One year ago, on April 26, 2021, our life changed forever. Porter and I were talking yesterday and I said to him, “everyone is going to ask you ….how do you feel? What are you going to say?” He said, “whatever I can to make them really uncomfortable.” Hahaha And we talked for a minute about that question and what it feels like to be where we are. I wish I would have given it more thought because everyone has been asking me that question. My answer - “it feels like it’s been 5 years but then it feels like it was yesterday.” So much has transpired. So much has changed. But there has been so much good. I told my sister this morning that yes, it’s been a lot, but in a weird sort of way it has made life simpler. I know that doesn’t make sense, but it has forced me to let go of some things and has also given me an excuse to not do some things. Life has come more into focus. Family is my everything. 

I have learned that life is fragile. We learned that in a very real way one year ago. Since then, we have seen our friends lives taken from them or their childrens lives. Or attempted to be taken. We have watched loved ones fight for their lives as they suffer from tumors, cancer, and illness. Others fight for their lives, in another real way, with mental illness, abuse and heartbreak. We have met so many people that have real life struggles. Sometimes I find myself grateful for this journey compared to what others are facing. We have been dealt a hand that was meant for us. 

To celebrate Porter and his life today, I asked people to send messages. It’s beautiful to see how many lives have been touched because of him. He has no idea how far his influence has reached. I’m so grateful to have been by his side this year, watching him, learning from him and being inspired and improved by him. He has helped me become a more patient, kind, person. 

Sometimes it feels like we are still at the base of a huge mountain we are trying to climb, but we also take moments to look away from the trail and see the vistas from where we are. Life is beautiful. We are so blessed. We have everything we need. Our faith and our family. 

Thank you to everyone for helping us along the way. We couldn’t have come this far without you. And thanks be to God for the miracle of life and lending us breath every single day. 


  1. Laura, your Covey cousin and mom's neighbor, Emily Hansen, here. I have spoken with your mom several times about setting up a time to meet you and Porter. I work at the University of Utah with the SCI team and we want to have Porter over for an intro to sports. We've got skiing, cycling, and sailing. Are you free for a couple hours next week?


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