Elder Brinton

Sorry everyone! It has been forever since we posted on here. My mom always wanted me to write these blog posts. So I guess she is finally getting what she wanted. I love being a missionary.

I was set apart as a missionary for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints on Wednesday, November 15, 2023. At my setting apart, the stake president asked me to call on someone to say a prayer to invite the spirit. I asked my sister Emma to say it because I knew she would do a good job of inviting the spirit. As she was praying, she started to cry. I started to cry, and I wouldn’t be surprised if everyone else in the room did the same. The spirit was so strong. The priesthood blessing I received was extremely powerful. I was promised so many amazing blessings. I was told that nothing was broken or altered in my accident. Father’s plan for me did not change. I was told that I lack for NOTHING. I will have as much of an impact as any other missionary. I was promised that I would have the opportunity to teach the restored gospel of Jesus Christ and witness people’s baptisms. My mom was blessed through me that she would be able to bear the burdens that come along with this (our) mission. Super powerful. I cried the whole time.

There is a certain spirit and power that come with being set apart from the world. The very first thing I did after being set apart was give my mom a priesthood blessing of comfort. I have only given one other blessing in the past, so I was a little nervous, but she said I did great. I hope to keep improving on giving blessings and following the spirit.

One thing I noticed is that people treat and talk to me differently when I’m wearing a Missionary badge. In a good way. There is a heightened level of respect and understanding. People ask me questions, care what I have to say, and are truly interested in my life. People love missionaries! They’ll even pay for your food if you’re lucky;)

Here is a funny experience I had this week. I went to a meeting with all of the service missionaries. I didn’t know what to expect, because it was my first day. I had just arrived, rolled into the room, and a young sister missionary walks speedily past me. Noticing my wheelchair, she turned around quickly, scanned me up and down, and said loudly, “What are you doing with that reelchair?” She then snorted and laughed and walked off awkwardly after receiving no response. I was surprised and tried not to burst out laughing. I love the service missionaries and can’t wait to get to know all of them better. 

We went to visit Kim and Pam Johnson at a Transitional Care Center. Pam recently crashed on her bike and seriously injured her left side. Pretty much every bone in her leg was broken and is now replaced with rods and screws. We visited and played Rummikub. Kim asked me to share a spiritual thought and offer a prayer on their behalf. They are amazing people. They have been through so much. Their family needs prayers. Please pray for the Johnson family. I know the lord loves them. 

We had dinner with the Service Mission Leaders, the Haderlies. (Sister Haderlie was not very happy when Elder Haderlie volunteered my mom to cook them dinner haha) We love them. They are hilarious and so nice. I’m so grateful to get to work with them. 

I had my first Sunday zoom meeting with the service mission. I love the weekly reports that a few missionaries gave. They are hilariously short and have absolutely no detail. 

Service missionaries have a different MTC experience which is called SMT. Service Missionary Training. My SMT does not start until December 4. It will be three days a week for two hours, and last till about Christmas time. I am slightly bummed that I do not get the normal MTC experience, but I am excited to see what it will be like, and what I can learn from it.

Since I don’t have too many service assignments yet, I have had a lot of what service missionaries call “agency time“. I spend a lot of it studying and reading. I listened to about 20 conference talks and a devotional yesterday and I have decided to read the book of Mormon by January. 

I started reading in second Nephi today because that’s where I was in the Book of Mormon. Today was the first day that I really fell in love with that book. I sat and read it for longer than I ever have before. I am already in Mosiah. There is so much to learn in that book and I can’t wait to study it.

I am also studying preach my gospel. With the mission integration happening in January, they are encouraging all of the service missionaries to study it and become familiar with the lessons.

I cannot wait to see what my schedule, assignments, and teaching opportunities will look like. There is still a lot of unknowns, but I know the that I love this gospel, I love the Lord, and I’m so happy for the opportunity to serve him.

Feel free to text me at (208) 380-0988

message me on facebook

or email me at porter.brinton@missionary.org


  1. Porter, this was such a great letter. I am so anxious to read about your experiences and all you are learning and teaching! You have your mom's excellent way of writing!! Love you!

  2. That reply was Nana Brinton. Don't know how to put my name on it??


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