Small and simple things

As a service missionary, sometimes I feel like my efforts go unnoticed, or that I am not making a difference. It is hard for me, especially because my whole life, I thought I would be somewhere else in the world, speaking a foreign language to people who need Jesus Christ in their lives. 

Here are just a few of the things I am learning:

It has been especially meaningful when people tell me that my service is making a difference or that they are genuinely grateful for my service. For example, I work in the office of the temple, recording ordinances on Fridays and Saturdays. The temple recorder came up to me while I was working and told me that it was the most important work in the temple. I didn’t believe him at first, but he told me that if nobody records the ordinances, it is as if they were never performed. The work couldn’t get done without us. Every single person whose name I scan is gratefully watching me serve them through the veil. That simple truth has kept me going to work in the temple office every week. 

This Work is Inspired of God. Every form of missionary work, including service missions, is divinely inspired. Service is an important part of God‘s plan. “We minister in His name, to the one, just as He did, expressing His loving kindness.”

God is the Great Multiplier. Think of the loaves and fishes. Not nearly enough to make an impact. Remember the lesson from that miracle. Christ is the Master of multiplying our efforts beyond our capacity. When you offer your efforts, however small they may seem, He can amplify them to uplift many. Trust in His ability to turn our simple offerings into a feast of blessings for others.

God is proud of us. God sees your sacrifices, your efforts, and your heart. Knowing that He is proud of you is powerful. It reminds us of the intimate, loving relationship we can have with our Heavenly Father. He doesn't measure your success by worldly standards, but by the purity of your intent and your willingness to serve Him, however and wherever that might be. He is with us, especially when the journey gets tough.

It is changing me for the better. Although the impact of my service may not always be immediately visible, I hope it is felt in the hearts of those I serve. I know I am exactly where God needs me to be, speaking the language of love and service, which is the true language of the gospel of Jesus Christ. From a past blog post, “I love this mission. The service missionaries aren’t necessarily people I would’ve chosen to spend my time with in high school, but I have learned to love them. They are quick to laugh and quick to help. They are so genuinely kind, real, selfless, and fun. I have learned to talk to people about what THEY love and ask questions to get THEM talking. I am becoming a better listener. I am learning to love people for who they are rather than instantly just judge them. The people I serve and serve with are helping me become more like Christ.”

Never underestimate the impact of the small and simple things we do in the service of God and our fellowmen. A kind word, a genuine compliment, an act of service, or even just a simple heartfelt testimony can have a profound effect on the lives of others. These small and simple acts, inspired by the Spirit, can soften people’s hearts, open doors to conversations about the gospel, and lead individuals towards Christ.

Pay attention to the promptings of the Holy Spirit in your daily interactions and be ready to act on them, even if they seem small or insignificant at the moment. It is about trusting that God can use our small efforts in His plan of salvation for His children. Remember this scripture:

Alma 37:6: "Now ye may suppose that this is foolishness in me; but by small and simple things are great things brought to pass; and small means in many instances doth confound the wise."

God is with you. He knows you. He is proud of you. He can multiply your efforts. He is waiting for you with arms open wide. He is ready and willing to forgive us when we turn our backs to him. Every time. Forever.


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