The Great Ocean

A small wave during low tide. You reach desperately to wash away the footprints of the world, but can never erase the imprints of guilt and regret on your own. Due to your nature, you are forever too weak, no matter how hard you try. But do not despair, for there is an infinite and eternal source of water on your side, always within your reach. You are important to the ocean, and every little wave’s cry is heard. If you follow the Master ocean and repent, the healing high tide will come. In the promised and wise timing of the Great waters, every hole, no matter how big, will be washed away. Perfected. As if it were never there. The ocean will not remember the imprints, and all guilt and regret are completely gone. All sin, all afflictions, all infirmities, all weakness, all imperfections, and even death itself is overcome by the Holy ocean. Forever. This is an unchanging truth. Never give up, little wave, and never forget who you belong to. 


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