A day in the life of me right now

It's a lot. I'm not gunna lie. People ask what I do during my down time......HA! I'm sure, from the outside, it probably seems like I'm just here hanging out with not much to do, while Porter goes to therapy and stuff. And that may be true for some family or friends that have loved ones here. This place is designed to have 24/7 care from a wonderful staff of people that are competent and able to care for Porter. But, I have made the choice to be his #1 care-giver and since I want to be here and have chosen to make this place my home while Porter is here, I am FULLY involved. I figure, I might as well be doing every imaginable thing I can do to help his recovery and well being. I want to be well equipped for when he comes home and I HAVE to be the 24/7 care. I am so grateful for how kind everyone has been to me here. They all know me now and I try not to get in their way. I know there are still things that I am learning and shouldn't and can't do yet. But, eventu...