Happy 27th Anniversary

Sunday's are a day of rest here for sure.  Porter slept til 10:30. We joined our ward via zoom for church. It feels good to be a part of them for a moment each week. A couple hours later, Porter's priest quorum (group of young men ages 16-18 from our church) and the leaders and his friend, Anna, came down to say hi. He was very happy to see them. They brought some food and it took a minute to get settled where we could visit, but the boys were sweet and asked Porter some good questions. He was open and honest. I have never asked Porter how he feels about being the center of attention. I need to do that. The bishop also led a discussion about the Come Follow Me assignment for the week. (Doctrine and Covenants 58-59) - A verse we discussed was all too applicable. "Ye cannot behold with your natural eyes, for the present time, the design of your God....and the glory which shall follow after much tribulation." I realize that we can't see the full purpose or picture from where we are, but I do believe that through the spirit, we can understand the plan of happiness for us while we are on earth and that as we keep the commandments and are faithful, we will have JOY in this life and have our reward in the life to come. I hope Porter lets me slide into heaven on his coat-tails.  

I wasn't sure how Memorial Day would be because of it being a holiday so I kind of let Porter sleep in, but then when they brought the schedule in our room, I realized I only had 28 minutes to wake him up, get him dressed, fed, drained (his bladder), and make sure he has his meds. I mean, I think I'm getting the hang of it, but I'm not that fast yet. And everyone knows you don't hurry Porter in the mornings. Surprisingly, we got er done. Paul walked in just as they were about to head to PT, so I sent all of them on their way and then I took a moment for myself. I ate breakfast, shaved my legs (shocking, I know) and went on a hike. I hiked to the top of this mountain behind our building and it was invigorating. Such a beautiful day. A slight breeze was blowing which helped the heat and also made the grass on the side of the mountain look like waves or water moving. It was very cool. When I got to the top of what I thought was the top from where I was looking from the bottom of the mountain, but ended up only being about half way up and was overlooking the city, I stood there with my arms opened wide and just looked to heaven and smiled. It felt so good. I am so grateful I can hike. I am so grateful I can breathe. I am so grateful for this beautiful world. I am so grateful for the free country in which I live and for all those that gave their lives to make it possible for me to enjoy mine. I am so grateful for this rehab where Porter can get help. I am so grateful for the sun and it's warmth. I am so grateful for a loving Heavenly Father that has been watching over us. All day, every day. 

The Stoddards, some of our awesome friends from Pocatello, dropped by on their way through town. It was so great to see them. They brought Porter some Jalapeño Cheetos which he loves. So thoughtful. They have been a lot of help to our family while we've been away. They are such a blessing. Paul had to head back to Pocatello and it was hard to see him go again. I think Porter really likes it when he's here. So do I. 

We had quite a few visitors on Tuesday. The Nelson Family (My sis and family), Isaac and Eliza (Porter's cousins), my highschoool girlfriends (Jenny and Nikki) and some friends we made in Virginia (Kendall and Mary). We really felt spoiled and loved. Each brought positive vibes, and fun stories and even a homemade movie. It was awesome. Porter was in a good mood and was up for all of it. Plus he had about 5 hours of Therapy on top of it, so needless to say, he zonked at bedtime. 

Today was such a good day. First of all, I wore my Guns n Roses t-shirt and got multiple compliments. Second, it's our 27th wedding anniversary today. SOOOOOO romantic to celebrate through texts. hahahaha Third, Porter worked hard today in therapy - playing Yahtzee and learning to transfer himself and was making all sorts of jokes today. 

One of the therapists said, "You guys sure have a lot of inside jokes." We HAVE been together 24/7 for 5 weeks now, I hope we have a connection. He has done some funny things today. The resident doc came in to do an ASIA exam on him today and when they were doing the sensory test, they asked Porter to acknowledge when he could feel something. Porter strategically waited until they were down on his feet and then he blurted out, 'SAME' meaning he can feel it the same as he can feel it on his face. It startled all of them and gave them a good laugh. OH HOW I WISH! They also gave him some lidocaine shots in his neck because it is soooo tight and has soooo many knots that it has impeded his therapy a little. He was brave as they were poking him and doing injections. It should help those knots to dissipate. After the torture they inflicted, he calmed down by eating Jalapeño Cheetos with a warm blanket on his head. 

This afternoon, Emma sent me a text she had received from a stranger:

"Just wanted to take a minute to say thank you for posting your brother's journey. I just received some frustrating and yet good news, but I am just riding out my emotions, and feeling sad and frustrated with how long my recovery will take, and my new daily routines I have to incorporate in life now with a few new health things that have come up. And amid my tears of frustration, I thought of your sweet brother who has way more work than me to do, and yet he doesn't complain. If he can, then surely I can too." 

I read it to Porter and the tears flowed down his face. I took my hands and put them on either side of his face and wiped his tears and he said, "Stop! Your hands are scratchy!" and I said, "Oh no, it's your face that is scratchy." we both started laughing. I complimented Porter and said, "It's true. I have never heard you complain yet. You are amazing." While I'm sure he has moments that he wants to complain or that he's frustrated, he has yet to vocalize them. I'm not sure what he was thinking when I read that, but it was sweet. He is encouraging and helping strengthen people he doesn't even know. I'm so proud of him.

We had a nice evening visiting with a childhood neighbor of mine, James Nebeker, who was in an accident when he was 22 leaving him paralyzed. He was able to empathize with Porter, while acknowledging that their injuries are very different. He spoke gently and kindly to Porter and said some things that I could tell hit home with Porter. He reassured him of his bright future ahead with endless possibilities. He emphasized the good and talked him through his adaptability. He reassured him that his short term perspective is healthy and encouraged him not to get too worried or preoccupied with too far in the future. Porter told him he has been fine mentally and doesn't see the point in being depressed because it doesn't help anything. I am so grateful that he has been okay that way. It was good for Porter to visit with someone that is in a wheelchair. I'm glad we did that. James will be a great resource.

We had pizza, provided by my cute sister Kathryn and watched some of the Jazz game tonight. 2 things I never do. But, what's normal about anything these days. It'll be an anniversary to remember. 

I want to give a shout out to my better half on this day. I worship you Paul. You are the love of my life. My reality with you has exceeded all my hopes and dreams. Thanks for being my best friend. You are constant and kind. I am so glad I have you to enjoy this journey with me! There's no one with whom I'd rather climb these mountains or bask in the calm. Happy Anniversary. I miss you! 


  1. Gratitude is an amazing gift and yours inspires be beyond words. Happy Anniversary and love to this power couple!

  2. Thanks baby!! I feel like I’m the most blessed man in the world to have you by my side!!

  3. You and Paul make the most amazing team! #goals ❤️


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