Can Jesus just come already?

Quite a few people have reached out asking what they can pray for and include in their fast. My response - FOR JESUS TO COME! And I'm totally serious. I have always been in the mind set that we need to get Jesus here. I can't wait. Especially now. Not that I'm ready or worthy, but having Him come is not going to do anything but help that. Can you imagine how glorious that day will be? I have the chills just thinking about it. And I'm confident that Porter has enough faith, that when He does come, Porter will do one of those cool launch himself off his back moves and land on his feet and sprint towards Him, only to fall at His feet with tears of gratitude. I'd even be willing to bet that I may just beat Porter to His feet. I look forward to that day with great anticipation. All of us should - LET'S DO IT!! Why not? We've got nothing to lose and everything to gain. Let's be more righteous and better disciples and love and serve everyone so that we can WILL Him here. Who's with me?

My fast on this Sabbath day mostly includes gratitude. When I look back over the past several weeks, we have had so many prayers answered, so many miracles along the path, so many people loving and supporting us in glorious ways, so many lessons learned, so many tears wiped dry and so many blessings from heaven. I feel the Lord in our lives every day. I see His hands through all of yours. I thank Him constantly for His tender mercies and for all of you. I am still amazed daily at how many people reach out, text, write letters, email, send quotes, bring food, stop for a visit. You are making all the difference. We LOVE your support. Thank you for carrying us through with your kindness and generosity. 

We spent quite a bit of time this week outside getting warm and soaking in the sun. Porter tends to be cold a lot of the time. I don't know if that's a SCI (Spinal Cord Injury) thing or the meds he's on or just Porter, but he likes to go out and get a good dose of heat and I love the Vitamin D. 

Porter is working hard in PT and OT and continues to get stronger each day. When he's sitting on the edge of the mat, I feel like he's getting better at holding up his head and being more upright. The muscles will take time and I know he's still healing from 2 major spine surgeries, but the improvements are noticeable. He is getting better at moving his arms and making them do what he wants. He is getting used to new ways to do things. He has started hitting his chest or belly when he wants something from me and making monkey like noises, or grunting. It's funny except for when he doesn't use words after I can't figure out what he wants. He is gaining more control over his wrists and keeping them stable or extended so he can pick things up and let go of them. He is getting the hang of using his arms to transfer his weight and move side to side. He is improving his length of time sitting upright in his manual wheelchair and pushing himself around. We went on 2 outings this week to introduce him to the world outside. 

We stayed inside the hospital for his first outing. We went from the rehab hospital through lots of halls and  walkways to the main UofU hospital where there is a Starbucks. He is getting so much better at going straight. It's difficult in this power assist wheelchair because the sensors on the wheels are kind of sensitive and so if he pushes a little harder or faster on one side, it turns him more to that side. So, to go straight, he has to be pretty consistent. He pushed the buttons for the elevators and had to make allowance for people walking by and things. He ordered his own Pink Drink and was able to drink it on his own. It was the first time we had been anywhere besides going to and from therapy which is super close to our room. I found myself becoming SO MUCH MORE aware of Porter's situation and what it is like for people in wheelchairs. Things like - doorway size, how long doors stay open when you push the button, counters being too high, poor access to pick up counter, chairs around every table, signs in the way of paths, people trying to get around you or pass you. A whole new world. A world that I regretfully haven't been aware of and am grateful to better understand and notice. My heart has expanded towards all those that have had to deal with these things in life. There are some things that are very convenient for those with disabilities, but other things that will definitely be difficult to manage and navigate. Porter did great and proved capable. He was wearing out on the way back, so to encourage him, Dan challenged him to a race. Dan dropped down to a crab walk and raced him the whole length of the walkway up to the rehab. It was quite comical and at one point when Dan was going to pass him, Porter cut him off, but that didn't stop him and Dan came out victorious. It was a good workout for both of them. 

Our second outing was to the Natural History Museum that is about a mile from here. We had a whole entourage go with us. We had our 2 doctor friends, Daniel and Andrea, and then Abby (OT) and Dan (PT) come. They loaded Porter into this huge van that has a lift and strapped him down to the floor. Porter said it was fine until we went down some steep streets when it kind of made him lean forward too much. But he braced himself with his elbows and did great. The museum posed some of the same challenges that our trip to Starbucks did, but I'm sure with time, we will know what to be more aware of and look for and do. This outing was also more out in the real world of the public. People were kind and patient. Porter didn't seem to be anxious or worried about much. He only ran into a couple of signs and walls. The most challenging for him was going downhill - even slightly. He hasn't quite learned how to brake or keep from going too fast. We started up on one of the top floors so we had quite a bit of decline. That is something we will need to work on so Porter will feel more comfortable. The museum itself was amazing. We went through an Egypt exhibit and also the dinosaur section which always amazes me. I was proud of Porter and feel like he did a great job. 

We had the opportunity this week to talk to Josh Pack - a cool guy that was injured in a swimming accident when he was 18. He was so nice and came down from Eden, Utah to visit Porter. He has very similar movement and muscles to what Porter has right now. He hung out with us and told some of his story and answered a lot of our questions. He was honest and upfront with Porter. He shared some of the hard things he's dealt with and some of the challenges he faces. He was very encouraging and impressed with Porter. He gave us some good pointers or things to consider. Porter really enjoyed talking to him and sometimes when Josh would say something, I would look at Porter and he had that face that said, "Yes, that's how I felt" or "Totally" - they commiserated a little and also talked about how to stay positive. He was validating and also could talk Porter's talk. It was so great to meet him and share this bond now.


We had tons of visitors this week which made us happy and the time go quickly. Lots of people sharing their love with Porter and giving us kind words of encouragement or filling us in on their lives. Lots of Porters cousins have come. They always ask such good questions. We loved seeing James and Emma.

Hyrum and Paul came down again this weekend which always seems to liven things up for us. Last night, my nephew, Isaac and his beautiful wife, Becca came to visit and he gave Porter the most beautiful blessing. His words were eloquent and sensitive. He said some very personal things to Porter and filled him with Hope and meaning. We are so grateful to be so close to our extended family like we are. Grateful for their love and concern for Porter. 

Then, today, our friend and church leader, Dave Francis and his wife, my dear friend, Melanie came down to preside over and participate in Hyrum receiving the Melchizedek priesthood and being ordained an Elder. It was a pay day for momma. Hyrum has grown up so much this past year - in so many ways. He's doing a lot to prepare for his mission and it's fun to see him rising to the occasion. Paul was tender. He always is. It was neat to be with Porter and let him be a part of it. We missed the rest of our family. Paul had prepared a delicious meal for when we broke our fasts. It has been a special day. 

Tonight....I keep having the words to this hymn run through my mind:

1. Abide with me; ’tis eventide.

The day is past and gone;

The shadows of the evening fall;

The night is coming on.

Within my heart a welcome guest,

Within my home abide.

2. Abide with me; ’tis eventide.

Thy walk today with me

Has made my heart within me burn,

As I communed with thee.

Thy earnest words have filled my soul

And kept me near thy side.

O Savior, stay this night with me;

Behold, ’tis eventide.

O Savior, stay this night with me;

Behold, ’tis eventide.

I am looking forward to a wonderful week. I am planning on great things from Porter. 

He's the BEST!


  1. Yes!!!! Please....let Jesus come!!

  2. Thank you for letting us be a part of the journey. I look forward to the spiritual feast that each post provides. Love you guys!

  3. Might I suggest checking out the YouTube channel called “Roll with Cole and Charisma”. It is an interable couple. Cole has a very similar Injury as Porter (received in much the same way at much the same age) and they talk a lot about so many different things they deal with everyday.

  4. You’re the best!! I love you!!❤️❤️

  5. More hope in our Savior! Thank you Laura... I love you!

  6. It sounds like Porter has amazing doctors and therapists! And I'm so glad that you have the close family and friend support that you need. When I started PT school - eons ago - I was required to spend 24 hours in a wheelchair, then write about the experience. We lived on a second floor apartment with a bathroom that didn't accommodate the chair. I also had to visit a public place and I chose the mall. Ed wouldn't let me get away with anything! I say this not to minimize Porter's situation as there is no comparison. But, it opened my eyes immediately to accessibility challenges. I love reading your blogs and hearing / seeing Porters progression! Hang in there Brinton family!

  7. I’m so touched by your story. My dad was in an accident in Hawaii while body surfing in 2016. He broke c2 and c3 and was a complete quad. Reading through your blog brought back so many memories. The dreaded tube down the throat, lack of communication, wanting so badly to eat and drink, downsizing the trach, and eventually talking!! My dad was always cold!!! So, yes that comes with the spinal cord injury. We too had to be flown on a special plane back to utah, and we’re in the hospital for 5 months once we got back. I’m not sure if you’ve looked into therapy once your home, but we went to neuroworx in sandy. I would highly recommend them! They do great things and there are some amazing people there. If you have any questions or if I can help in anyway, please reach out.


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