
I love being a missionary. I have been asked to meet with one of the priests in my ward who was baptized a couple of years ago. He wants to learn about and become more familiar with the book of Mormon. I am excited about that and think it’ll be a great missionary opportunity. I also I think I will get to help teach the lessons to a little girl before she is baptized, so I’m super excited about that too. At church I saw one of my buddies who is preparing for his mission. We are going to do a temple/gospel study night together. Service missions are the best and provide so many amazing opportunities. I love talking about the gospel. Recently, I have had a couple of people reach out and ask my thoughts about some gospel questions. I love thinking about and trying to answer them. I know I don’t know everything and still have a ton to learn, but I love thinking through and talking about things. Here’s one question I would love to share. What will our bodies be like when w...