A mother’s love

This week I had my first opportunity to go help teach a lesson with the proselyting Elders. They reached out to me and said that there are two boys, a 10 year old and an 8 year old, whose mother is a member and wants them to get baptized. 

I met the trio of Elders at a church building. Two of them left to go visit some of the people they are teaching, which left me with only one of the Elders. While we were waiting for this mother, we were informed that she had “terrible time management“. This whole thing was a first for me, so I didn’t know what to expect. After about 30 minutes, the mother texted us and said her son has a bloody nose. Since my mom had dropped me off, we could not leave the church building, so we just waited for another 15 minutes. 

When the mother showed up with her two kids, I instantly understood why she had such “terrible time management“. Her 10 year old (who was supposed to be our focus) refused to get off his bike. Her 8 year old son, who she carried in her arms, was flailing around like a toddler throwing a tantrum. He was stuffing his face with pretzels, throwing his tablet at the wall, taking off his clothes, biting, punching, kicking his mom and my companion, constantly running away while screaming, “you can’t catch me“, you name it. He was not about to listen. I could tell he was not mentally present. She quickly apologized and told us that maybe the following morning would work better. She then explained her story. My heart filled with love and compassion for her as she relayed the following:

Shortly after the birth of her eight-year-old son, her and her husband found out that he has some serious mental challenges. ADHD, autism, and even psychosis, just to name a few. Her husband, after leaving all three of them abused and traumatized, abandoned her and her two young kids. He was remarried and started a new family. This mother is now forced to raise these two boys without a father. The older of the two has PTSD from his dad and never speaks a word. The younger of the two is on six different medications, and nothing has seemed to help. 

I could tell she was tired. I noticed she had a black eye. She told us that her son had come into her room at 3 AM and chucked a heavy toy at her face, leaving her startled and injured. She cried and cried for the rest of the night. I can only imagine how many hard and sad stories she has. He acts up multiple times a day, hurting himself and others in the process. She told us she was unable to make it to church that week because he ran away. His mother and four cops were searching for him for hours. He needs 24 hour attention. The doctor suggested that they move him to Salt Lake to live by himself in a 24 hour care facility for the mentally ill. The mother is heartbroken and worried that he will feel like she abandoned him or didn’t want him. This poor kid and his poor mom have been through so much. 

During the attempted lesson, me and this mother watched as my companion chased her son around the church building. She looked at me with defeat in her face. I figured, since her children weren’t listening, she could probably benefit from my testimony. I looked her in the eyes and testified to her that her Father in heaven loves her and her family. I told her that he is proud of her. I told her that I know he sees her and is aware of her. Every thought. Every hard day. I testified that everything will work out. I reassured her that she would have the chance to nurture and raise her son again in the next life. We pictured together the beautiful image of her eternal happy family. 

This lesson taught me many things. 

We can be quick to judge others’ “terrible time management“ before seeing the full picture. 

The power of a mother’s love is so strong. Selfless. Patient. Kind. Nurturing. Forgiving. Sacrificial. 

All of these attributes of our Father in heaven. He loves us more than we can comprehend. The sacrifice of His only begotten Son is the greatest expression of love ever known. 

We will all be resurrected with perfect bodies. 

We will all live in harmony and peace. Forever. 

Families are central to God’s plan. We are put in families here on earth to learn and to grow. Families can be hard. This forces us to become more like our savior. Seek to develop Christlike attributes in your home. Treat your parents with honor and respect. Love your siblings as yourself.  Set an example for your children. Love them. Teach them the gospel. Show them what it looks like to cleave unto your spouse. 

Do not judge others’ “terrible time management“ before seeing the full picture. 

Love your mother.

Jesus Christ makes it all possible.



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