Palm Springs

Service missions are the best. Doing Gods work complimented with home cooked meals, clean laundry, clean dishes, and last but not least, family vacation. All in one. 

This week Paul, Soice, and I had the opportunity to drive to Palm Springs to watch professional tennis for the 3rd year in a row. It was a blast. So warm and beautiful. Here’s what the trip looked like: We drove to Saint George to sleep and cut the drive in half. The next day, stopped in Vegas for lunch and drove to California. We grabbed dinner and got to bed. The next morning, we ate hotel breakfast and headed to the courts. We are usually there from about 10 am to 9 pm just jumping stadium to stadium to watch the matches we want. Then we usually head out to get dinner and go to bed. Then we wake up and do it all again. Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. On Sunday, we just checked out and drove straight home. It’s my favorite tradition. Tennis is such a fun sport to watch in person. They are incredible athletes. The parking and seats we get are always good for obvious reasons. The handicap seating is only 3 or 4 rows from the court.

Sometimes it’s hard to keep me cool because I don’t sweat. Being in the sun all day causes me to overheat, get a headache, and feel sick. on Saturday, it was supposed to be pretty hot. I prayed and told my family to pray that I would be able to stay cool. God blessed us that day with a thin cloud cover and a light breeze. I was able to stay cool and enjoy the trip. A little tender mercy. God answers prayers.

I love the gospel. I love talking to my English learners about their conversions and hearing their testimonies. One girl shared something with me that really touched me. She said she grew up going to different churches but was never fully invested. Her brother started going to our church and she wanted to know what we taught. She had not been raised by her parents and never felt love from a mother or father. She then learned that our church has priesthood authority from God. That made our church stand out to her because none of the other churches she had been to claimed to have authority from God. When the missionaries told her that she has a Mother and a Father in heaven who know her personally and love her perfectly, everything clicked for her. She joined the church and served a mission and hasn’t looked back since. She is the only active member of her family. Jesus Christ has given her hope and changed her life. 

I know that the restored gospel of Jesus Christ is the only thing that can bring true happiness. It is the only way to return to our Father in heaven. Remember your covenants. Remember the importance of the sacrament. Don’t take the infinite atonement for granted. Don’t lose focus. Stick with what you know to be true. Use that knowledge to bless others. EVERYBODY needs Jesus in their lives. Don’t be the reason others lose their way. Be the reason they find Him.


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