
A message for all, but particularly missionaries and those struggling to find happiness.

During an English Chat session this week, I met an amazing woman. She lives in Kenya. She is a single mother of three, a student at BYU Idaho online, and she works full time to provide for her family. She cooks and cleans every meal. Her husband left the church and their little family. She stands alone as the only convert to the church in her family. She and her three children walk 2 miles both ways every week to attend their branch, where she teaches Sunday school. She is a worthy temple recommend holder who lives hours from the nearest temple, to which she’s never even been. She is so humble, kind, and happy. 

During our conversation, I asked her this question. “If you could be anywhere in the world doing anything you wanted, where would you be and what would you be doing?” I imagined her saying that she would want to be on a beautiful tropical beach somewhere reading a good book and sippin a piƱa colada. Her response struck me. She thought for a second, then said that out of anything she could be doing, she would choose to be a missionary sharing the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ with the world. Wherever the Lord needed her. There is nothing she’d rather do. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints has changed her life. All she wants to do is share it with others. The church has provided her with a job and cheap schooling, but more importantly, it has provided peace, hope, and joy. Jesus Christ is her everything. 

Being a missionary is a PRIVILEGE. It really is the greatest blessing. To all those struggling, remember why you are here. Forget about yourself. Turn your heart to God and let him make you an instrument in bringing souls unto the knowledge of their Redeemer. As members of this church, we have a duty to share the joy the gospel brings. It truly changes lives. Jesus Christ provides hope when there is none. Anyone in any circumstance can feel His love and learn the truth if they know where to find it. 

Too often we are slothful compared to converts like this sweet lady. Would you walk that far just to take the sacrament? Would you cling to the iron rod and stay strong in your conviction when those closest to you decide to stray from the covenant path? Have you experienced a change of heart? What can you do to deepen your conversion? How can you be a better missionary?


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