
Lucifer: Meaning "light-bringer" or "morning star," this name reflects his initial exalted status.

Satan: After his rebellion, Lucifer became known as Satan, meaning "adversary" or "accuser," signifying his role in opposition to God and humanity.

The Devil: This title underscores his malevolent nature as the chief enemy of God’s plan of happiness and the deceiver of mankind.

Satan, originally called Lucifer, is a spirit son of God who once held a significant position "in authority in the presence of God." During the Council in Heaven, Lucifer rebelled against God’s plan, proposing to destroy human agency and redeem all souls in exchange for God's glory. Heavenly Father rejected his plan in favor of Jesus Christ, which preserved agency and gave glory to God. Enraged, Lucifer led a rebellion, persuading a third of the hosts of heaven to follow him. As a result, they were cast out of heaven, losing their chance to receive physical bodies and being cut off from God's presence.

Satan possesses deep knowledge of God’s plan, but his understanding is incomplete. He knows of the Fall, the role of Jesus Christ as the Savior, and the significance of agency, but he “knew not the mind of God.” (Moses 4:6)

“Individuals do not have to give in to Satan’s temptations. Each person has the power to choose good over evil, and the Lord has promised to help all who seek Him through sincere prayer and faithfulness.” See Topics and Questions: Satan.

Here are 10 of Satan’s attributes vs the 10 Christlike attributes that are listed in Preach My Gospel. Take a minute to read and ponder these. What can you learn from these attributes? What patterns do you see? Which attributes can you avoid? Which ones can you seek to emulate? 


1. Control: Satan aims to dominate humanity by restricting their freedom.

2. Jealousy: His jealousy towards Jesus Christ drives his opposition to God's plan.

3. Misery: Satan's goal is to make others as miserable as himself, hindering their happiness and return to God.

4. Destroying Agency: He continually works to eliminate personal accountability and freedom.

5. Deception: Known as the "father of lies," he blends truth with falsehoods to make sin appear desirable.

6. Temptation: He exploits individual weaknesses to lead people into sin.

7. Discouragement: He uses shame and despair to make individuals feel unworthy of God’s love or forgiveness.

8. Undermining Truth: Strategically creates doubt about spiritual truths and divine teachings.

9. Attacking the Family: He sows confusion about gender roles and morality to undermine family units.

10. Constant Opposition to Christ: He actively tries to discredit the Savior and counteract the power of the Atonement.

Jesus Christ

1. Faith: Trusting in God and His promises, having a firm belief that He has power to fulfill all His words.

2. Hope: Cultivating an optimistic and positive outlook, looking forward with confidence to eternal salvation through Christ.

3. Charity and Love: Developing the pure love of Christ for others, which involves action and service.

4. Virtue: Maintaining thoughts and actions that are clean and pure, worthy in the sight of God.

5. Integrity: Demonstrating honesty and moral uprightness in all situations.

6. Knowledge: Seeking to understand the gospel and other useful information that can help in service and personal progression.

7. Patience: Demonstrating perseverance and endurance without complaining or losing faith.

8. Humility: Acknowledging God’s greatness and one’s own dependence upon Him, submitting to His will.

9. Diligence: Showing consistent and earnest effort to accomplish what God has commanded.

10. Obedience: Willingness to obey the commandments and follow divine guidance.


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