Sweet Child O' Mine

I put on my best t-shirt today (Guns N Roses) and thought, "It's going to be a great day." and then I walked into the bathroom and literally scared myself as I looked in the mirror. I have GOT to invest in some makeup, which is something I have never owned in my whole life. Mascara alone doesn't seem to cover up the dark, black, puffy eye bags. Oh well.  Paul and I sat out by the pool in the backyard for a little while early this morning and enjoyed the beautiful cool air. Gearing up for the day mentally, I think, and also just trying to draw strength from above. We arrived at the hospital just in time for report. It sounds like his night was a little bit rough due to some set backs with his lungs and breathing. They also explained to us that the clot was found by a different interventional radiologist that specializes in neuro cases as he reviewed Porter's angiogram report and that he didn't see the clot on the CT scan following the surgery. So there was a little mix up there. But, by about 9:00 this morning, the heparin was at therapeutic levels and hopefully working to keep clots from forming. We also learned that the medicine doesn't break up the clot, but that it keeps other clots from forming or adding to that existing thrombosis and the body naturally breaks up the clots that exist over time. So - they are wanting to do another scan at the end of the week to see if there are any more clots that have formed or if the heparin is doing it's job. They are trying to keep his blood pressure at the right level while trying to maintain his pain level and body temp and a million other things. Its a balancing game. So amazing how a little more of this or a little bit less of that makes such a difference. He has a fabulous nurse that has really pegged him and his likes and dislikes. Shes's great. 

Porter has been able to facetime a few of his friends today and his siblings. They are all dying to come see him. I wish so much people could visit him and be with him and feel of the power of his spirit.  He has smiled a lot today. He seems to be getting used to the tube in his throat. He hasn't been as agitated. They have been able to raise the head of his bed so he is sitting up more. It's been good for his lungs. Paul and I tag-teamed some occupational therapy today for him. Stretching out his feet and ankles and bending his legs and rotating his hips. He loves us to rub his shoulders and tickle his arms. He pooped today too which is a win. Paul kept finding good music he likes and l letting him listen to it. He would nod is head to the beat and mouth the lyrics. We gave him some pep talks and encouraged him to see himself doing everything subconsciously....in his mind. I feel like he is someone that will do that. I also asked him, "Have you been mad at God?" and he instantly shook his head NO. I said, "Have you been praying and asking for help?" and he nodded his head YES! I am so grateful he knows he can rely on the Lord for help and strength. We love relaying to Porter all of the awesome things people are doing for him and because of him. He loves hearing your encouraging text messages and seeing your pictures and knowing people are thinking about him. It was fun today telling him about #BuzzforBrinton and all the people that have joined that. He was touched when he heard his Tennis Coach, Ron Osburn, buzzed his head. He loved hearing about his tennis team playing in his name. Its so heart warming. The darling neighborhood kids had a lemonade stand today to earn money for Porter. My cute friend that owns The Barre, a gym in Pocatello, is doing a fundraiser for him. My kids even put together a tik tok for him and videoed themselves doing it. I showed it to Porter and that's the longest I've seen his eyes open. It's all so amazing. We don't know how to adequately express our gratitude. 

Tonight, just as we were about to head home, Porter's surgeon, Dr. Maitre, came by to see how he's doing. We were grateful he went out of his way to come check on him. I will forever be grateful for his talents, capabilities and sincere desire to help our family.

It felt good to see the kids tonight when we got home. They want to know every detail and happening. They are so awesome. They have been so sweet about me disappearing all day. Phoebe just stands behind Paul or me, while we are talking, and plays with our hair or massages our shoulders. They made a fun poster tonight and bought some balloons for his hospital room. They gave me some cards that showed up today from all of Porters friends in Pocatello. I think he'll be excited about having me read those to him.

I'm headed to bed. Thank you for being here. It was a good day.

We are filled with a perfect brightness of HOPE!


  1. Bawling and filled with the spirit of Hope with you...your family is inspiring so many! Give Ports a hug for me today❤

  2. Grateful for good days. ❤️

  3. Laura thank you so much for your updates. Your strength, testimony and love is inspiring! Wishing with all of my heart we could be by your side. Praying constantly and knowing that Porter is in Gods hands.
    Sending all of you the biggest hug!
    Camille Brinton

  4. Laura, I love reading your words.... You are an amazing mother. Porter is such a strong young man!!!

  5. Thinking of you all and enjoying hearing your daily updates. I admire your families faith and strength. Faithful parents who have raised faithful children. Thank you for your examples. May the Lord continue to bless you. ❤️

  6. Yes—🔅a perfect brightness of hope!🔅I feel it too!😘

  7. You and Paul are such amazing parents through this! I love how you find such specific and creative ways of reaching and comforting Porter. Such a touching and powerful show of love.❤️ And you DON’T need makeup—you are gorgeous!!

  8. We are praying for your sweet family (Jeff Durham’s neighbors) 😘🙏🏻❤️

  9. All the Covey-Williams Hebgen Clan are praying for Porter! 💕


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