botox injections?

Due to my spinal cord injury, I have a neurogenic bladder. Every six months, we drive down to Utah and I get Botox injections in my bladder. This relaxes the bladder and keeps it from spasming, which prevents incontinence and UTIs. We were able to meet my pathway companion, Elder Hurst, which was super fun. He’s so awesome and I’m excited to work with him. We also saw my siblings and little nieces that live down there, which I always love. 

Every month, the service missionaries get speaking assignments in local wards. I spoke on Sunday in Chubbuck. The set up was really smooth and the meeting went well. People are always so gracious and nice to me after the meeting. I had a couple of notes on my phone, but for the first time, I basically gave the whole talk without reading. As we were leaving the meeting, my little brother said, “How can you not want to be a motivational speaker after that? Literally everyone coming up to you and saying how awesome and inspirational you are and how good your talk was?” haha

I have come to realize something. Recently after I was injured, everyone was praying for a miracle, for which I am so grateful. Thank you for all of your prayers. I was obviously not healed, which may or may not have been the miracle I was hoping for. Many other miracles have come instead, which I failed to see at first. The biggest miracles that I know came from all the prayers are that I have been blessed with an eternal perspective and positive attitude. I have been able to wake up every day with a smile on my face. Obviously, I still have hard moments, but I would say a good 99% of the time I am just my happy and silly self. 

I am trying to learn how to follow and be guided by the spirit. It is definitely a work in progress, but something that I want to master eventually. I pray every morning that the spirit may be my constant companion throughout the day. I try to notice words of affirmation, comfort, warning, or promptings that come from the spirit. As I end each day in prayer, I express gratitude for all times I felt the spirit that day. I invite you to do the same. It has helped me grow closer to my Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. I know it will do the same thing for you.


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