Costa RicašŸ« 

No. I’m not in Costa Rica. My parents took a trip and left me and Sawyer here in the snow. My sister, Emma, is here with us this week taking care of me. And Sawyer. And her baby. And her husband lol. Poor little Judson has a cough and a runny nose. Sick baby=no sleep. Getting little sleep doesn’t help as many of you moms know. Emma is amazing and I’m so grateful for her. It is the first time since I got hurt that my parents have been together without me. I’m happy for them because they needed this trip. We are figuring it all out and it’s been great.

Every week, the service missionaries do a session or something else in the temple. We got a pretty cool pic on Tuesday there was like 14 of us there. They are always so nice to pick me up and help me out with whatever I need. We had a fun game night at my house this week.

I got a new study companion this week from the mission! His name is Elder McLane. He’s so nice and I’m looking forward to that. My usual study companion, my grandpa, got back surgery, so he is recovering this week. He is in our prayers.

I’ve probably said this before, but studying the gospel is my favorite part of the mission. I finished the BOM, doctrine and covenants, and am now reading the New Testament. I love how the New Testament is so focused on Jesus. I am following this year’s come follow me and watching the BOM videos again. I love the Book of Mormon and am still learning how to study it. I discovered the church history section in the Gospel library app this week. I don’t know how I never knew it existed because I love church history and learning about it. All three released volumes of “Saints“ are free on gospel library. I have been listening to and reading those and I absolutely love them. 

I know that Joseph Smith was the prophet of the restoration. He may not have been perfect, but neither are you. He was just a regular kid like us all. He worked hard and went through unbelievably difficult times to give us what we have today. We are the luckiest people on earth to know what we know. God restored his church through Joseph Smith. There is an unbroken chain of priesthood authority and keys from Joseph to our prophet today, Russell M. Nelson. He leads and guides our church through revelation straight from God. I love them and sustain them. This is the true and living church.

Some cool pics by AI:


  1. Emma taking care of everyone, including Ryan lol!! You are an inspiration to all of us, Elder Brinton! I love seeing how much you are diving into studying the gospel. You are FLYING through the scriptures! I'm inspired to spend more of my time studying.


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