I believe in Christ

This week was amazing. We hosted FHE for the service mission at my house. We played a game where a fact about someone would come up on the screen and we would have to try to guess who it was about. Then we had treats and hung out at my house all night. A couple of the missionaries even stayed until after we ate dinner. Right in front of them. Good times. 

I attended my second zone conference on Wednesday. I love them. The spirit is always so strong and I always learn so much. The mission president encouraged the service missionaries to “raise the bar”. A more strict sleep schedule, specific study time, and reduced screen time were just a couple things he talked about. He encouraged us to continue to attend Institute. He also mentioned that we might be able to do some school through BYU Pathway while we are on our missions. More about this to come. 

This week was stake conference. I can confidently say that for the first time in my life, I thoroughly enjoyed it. God is a God of miracles. He always has been, and He always will be. In the story about the women with the issue of blood, the disciples were not aware of the miracle that occurred. Even though they literally walked with Christ and the miracle happened right in front of them, they were still unaware of it. Even the faithful can miss miracles happening in their lives. 

If you ever doubt that God is still performing miracles, repent. That in and of itself is a testimony of God‘s miracles. The greatest miracle of all is the atonement of Jesus Christ. It is always working in our lives. It allows us to repent, be forgiven, and have happiness in this life and the life to come. The fact that your heart is beating and your lungs are breathing is a miracle. Life is a miracle. You are a miracle. Never doubt again.

Our bodies are proof of our testimonies of Christ. In the pre-mortal life, we chose him. Every single person on earth kept their first estate and conquered Satan. Every single person on earth has faith in and a testimony of our Savior Jesus Christ. May we all remember and never forget. 

Twice this week, we sang the hymn “I believe in Christ”. I have sung this song my whole life. The words have never impacted me the way they did this week. I cried so hard I couldn’t read the words. My testimony was reinforced and strengthened as I proudly and sincerely sang the words. I believe in Christ. 

I know He lives and loves every single one of us. 


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