Hump Day


I can’t believe it’s already been a year. I literally never want to be released. I tell everyone who asks about my mission that I absolutely love it and just want to be a missionary forever. I have had more spiritual experiences in the past year than my entire life before my mission combined (x100). There is no greater joy than missionary work. No greater joy than having the Spirit as a constant companion. Being a set apart representative of Jesus Christ is life changing, I believe for eternity. If you’re on the fence about serving, considering being released, or think there’s anything that can be even remotely as beneficial for you as service, get your butt off the fence. Satan owns the fence. This seriously has been the best 12 months of my life. I know I will miss it. 

I have learned and grown so so much in every way. Hopefully I have adequately shared with you some of my growth already. Here are some questions to consider:

What is my true purpose in life?

Do I love the gospel?

Who is Heavenly Father?

Who is Jesus Christ?

Do I rely on Him?

Can I develop Christlike attributes?

Who is the Holy Ghost?

Is He important? 

How does the Spirit speak to me?

Do I know the Godhead? 

How do I receive personal revelation?

Do I love the scriptures?

Do I love my neighbor as the Savior does?

Do I really think celestial?

Do I repent daily?

Am I becoming a lifelong disciple?

Being a missionary has helped me answer these questions with confidence. I am not perfect by any means, but I am learning to be more like Him. Do I live everything I learn? Absolutely not. Has my mission completely changed me for the better? 100%. 

I am so grateful for the opportunity I have to be a full-time missionary. Service missions are becoming increasingly prevalent, and I believe will be a bigger and more powerful part of the Church’s future missionary efforts. It doesn’t matter where we are serving or what we are doing. These things only matter to the world. Service missions are often viewed as second best or inferior, but I know the Lord sees my efforts to serve Him, and worldly prejudice falls from view. Sacrifice and consecration are what matter to the Lord. I care a whole lot more what the Lord thinks than what Julie down the road thinks. 

I have a knowledge of the truthfulness of this gospel. This is Jesus Christ’s church. Jesus Christ is joy, and consequently, this truly is the Church of joy. 

The Savior payed a debt He didn’t owe, because I owe a debt I cannot pay. There is a real and lasting power that can come into our lives through the atonement of Jesus Christ. How do we access that power? Through principles and ordinances of the gospel. By making and keeping sacred covenants. 

Mortality works. It is extremely hard. It is supposed to be so. A quote from Jeffery R Holland:

“In English, the word inflict, which comes from the Latin infligere, has at least two meanings. One is “to strike or dash against” and another is “to beat down,” but those definitions are not applicable to God or His angels. No, the proper definition of the word as King Benjamin used it is to allow “something that must be borne or suffered.” Now allowing something is a different matter! God can and will do that if it is ultimately for our good. I am going to say it again: God does not now nor will He ever do to you a destructive, malicious, unfair thing—ever. It is not in what Peter called “the divine nature” to even be able to do so. By definition and in fact, God is perfectly and thoroughly, always and forever good, and everything He does is for our good. I promise you that God does not lie awake nights trying to figure out ways to disappoint us or harm us or crush our dreams or our faith.”

We came to Earth knowing we would go through hard things. Everyone has trials, regardless of race, religion, gender, etc. Our Father is no respecter of persons, and “maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust.” You have the choice to rely on the Savior. To be strengthened by His love and enabling grace as I have. To live in gratitude to your Father in heaven for the many wondrous works he has performed in your behalf. You also have the choice to turn your back to Them that love you most. To ignore the truth. To miss out on the many blessings promised to the faithful. To go through the troubles of this life alone. What will you choose? I say with Joshua, “but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord”


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