Spiritual Experiences

A man shared with me an experience he had in the temple. Someone in his session mentioned that they could feel a strong presence of those who had already passed. This man prayed and prayed to feel their presence but felt nothing. Thoughts then flooded in of comparison. I’m not good enough. I’m not worthy. God must not love me. I wasn’t sure what to share with this man but here are some of the thoughts I shared with him and will now share with you. 

First and foremost, due to our human foibles, at times we mistakenly think that He (God) is not, He does not, or He will not. I testify that God IS there, He SEES and KNOWS us, and He ANSWERS our prayers. 

I shared with this man a very similar experience I had. I was alone in the celestial room just praying to hear His voice or feel His presence or love or anything. Ultimately, praying for a sign I knew I didn’t need. I felt, heard, and saw nothing. 

I then shared with this man an experience I had while doing sealings a couple of weeks ago. I had one of the most profound and powerful spiritual experiences of my life. I literally cried full tears for an hour straight. I cannot express in words what I felt that day. I know that the plan of happiness is real. God’s love for us is exquisite and pure. Families really can and will be together forever. I am absolutely positive that I was the only one experiencing this in that moment. I believe spiritual experiences are extremely personal and are meant to be that way. Some see spirits and hear voices. I do not. These special experiences come in God’s timing and are far more rare than we all wish they were. Revelation doesn't always come when, where, and how we want it. If it did, these experiences would be far less intimate and far less meaningful.

It can be very hard, when you know others are feeling the spirit, to not feel it. It is a righteous desire. 

The thoughts of comparison that will undoubtedly flood in are not from God, but often the opposite. 

We must remember the sacred times we have had these spiritual experiences for ourselves. They are unique, special, and cannot be forced. If you feel you have not experienced anything grand, do what you know you need to do, and have patience. The blessings will come. 

God knows better. Have faith and trust in Him.

“You can no more force the Spirit to respond than you can force a bean to sprout, or an egg to hatch before it’s time. You can create a climate to foster growth, nourish, and protect; but you cannot force or compel: you must await the growth.

Do not be impatient to gain great spiritual knowledge. Let it grow, help it grow, but do not force it or you will open the way to be misled.” - Elder Boyd K. Packer


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