Knowledge is Power

I have heard this all my life, but how is knowledge power? 

Joseph Smith taught these truths:

“Knowledge does away with darkness, suspense and doubt; for these cannot exist where knowledge is. … In knowledge there is power. God has more power than all other beings, because He has greater knowledge; and hence He knows how to subject all other beings to Him. He has power over all.”

There are many other teachings on knowledge. It can help us resist temptation, provide us with an advantage in the next life, and help us bring others to Christ. I just want to share a couple of ways my knowledge has given me power. 

My knowledge allows me to live with faith, knowing my “adversity and afflictions shall be but a small moment.” No fear, doubt, or darkness can prevail. I am comforted by the knowledge of my King, Savior, Redeemer, and Advocate who loves me. I know He suffered and died for me. I know that through the atonement, I can be forgiven if I repent. I know He lives. I know He knows me by name and is in the details of my life. I know God is a God of miracles, and He speaks to us today. I know The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is true.

How has your knowledge given you power?


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