
When I was set apart, I was promised that I would have opportunities to preach the restored gospel and witness people’s baptisms. 

Over the past couple of months, I was able to teach Sawyer the lessons to help her prepare for baptism. On Friday, I had the privilege of watching her be baptized by her father, and participated in her confirmation. I cried through the whole night.

There is a very real spirit that comes when a worthy priesthood holder stands in the font with one who is prepared to make covenants with God. True power comes into their life as they enter the gate to the covenant path. What follows is always a tangible feeling of love and light as he lays his hands upon their head and gives them the gift of the Holy Ghost. Baptism and confirmation are so amazing. I love the spirit that they bring.

I know baptism is necessary for exaltation. Sawyer is so sweet and I am so grateful for the Larsen family and our friendship. I am extra grateful this week for my covenants with God and the power they bring into my life. This church is true. The priesthood is on the Earth. The spirit is real and it can change your life if you let it❤️


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