
Covenants are often described as a two way promise. Marriage is an example of a two way promise. Can you describe everything involved in a marriage or in a covenant by simply boiling it down to a two way promise? No! This can cause covenants to be seen as a cold contract. A contract is transactional, while covenant relationships are transformational. I am so grateful for my covenants and how my relationship with Christ has  transformed me. I am so grateful for a loving Father in Heaven who forgives me every time I repent.

There is a common misconception that if you’re going to sin, you are better off not making covenants. Who is better off without a closer relationship with Christ? We need His hand in ours. We need His power in our lives. If prepared and worthy, we are always better off connected to Christ through covenants.

All friendships and relationships, as we know them on Earth, can be developed and are subject to change. People change, betray, lie, sin, and cheat. There is only one person who never changes, betrays, lies, sins, or cheats. There is one friendship and relationship that we can put our complete trust in forever. Our covenant connection to Jesus Christ is fixed. He loves us all perfectly and His hand is constantly outstretched. He wants nothing more than to be closer to us. The only question we have to ask is “where am I in my covenant connection with Christ?” 

If you feel distanced or further away from Christ, you know who moved.


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