Cured vs Healed

Since my accident, being healed is obviously something I’ve longed for and prayed for. During these past few years, I have seen so many blessings and miracles, but my diagnosis remains the same. Only recently have I come to understand that I HAVE been healed.

“I love this idea that there is a difference between healing and curing. Curing usually returns us to our previous state of wellness, which is what we long for, but healing is different. Healing incorporates that old wound, making us a different person. Even the Savior of the world, as a resurrected being, retained the wounds in His hands, feet, and side. This is evidence that He will never forget us and that with His stripes we are healed. Tonight, maybe you're feeling broken and aren't sure you will experience His healing, but is that true? Every Sunday during the sacrament, He is lifting you off the dusty road and placing you in the folds of His robe and cradling you in His ample arms... Christ the babe was born for you!” - Sister Runia

I have not been cured yet, but I HAVE been healed. It can be incredibly difficult when the answers or blessings we long for don’t come in the way we hope. I am still learning God’s ways. His ways are not our ways, but I know He loves me and knows better. My full trust is in Him. 

During mortality, we will all face challenges and struggles. I have been blessed with a knowledge and testimony that I’m confident could carry anyone through any trial. Because of Christ’s infinite atonement, we don’t have to struggle alone. He is there. He loves you perfectly and understands perfectly what you’re going through. I have truly become a different person. I am so grateful for my brother Jesus Christ, for His mercy, love, and sacrifice. I cannot imagine enduring this stage of life without my testimony of the Plan of Salvation. I promise that if you come to Him, learn of His character, and serve Him, He will heal you too. It’s never too late. You’re never out of His reach. He will heal you as He has me. All you have to do is let Him.


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