armor is heavy, but it’s worth it

In SMT (service missionary training) we were talking about the armor of God and a sister made a comment that I really loved. She said, “armor is heavy, but it’s worth it.” 

From chapter 2 of preach my gospel, “By putting on the “whole armour of God,” you will be able to discern truth from error. You will have your feet shod with the “gospel of peace.” Putting “on the breastplate of righteousness” will protect you. With the “shield of faith,” you will be able to quench the fiery darts of the adversary. You will take “the sword of [His] Spirit” to teach truth with power and authority. You will be fortified against worldly influences that could otherwise lead you to become adrift, isolated, and even alienated.”

I taught preach my gospel in our district meeting on Thursday. We had a talent show and I didn’t know what to do for my talent. I rolled up to the front and said I forgot my pogo stick. Everyone laughed. Then I said, “so instead for my talent, I’m just going to do a little bit of sit down comedy.” They laughed again. I told a couple of my dad‘s jokes. The service missionaries are a pretty easy crowd, but they loved it. here’s my script if you want to read it haha

someone broke into our house and stole our limbo stick. I mean how low can you go?

The other day I made a belt of watches. It was a waste of time.

I was so hungry I ate one of the leftover watches. man it was time-consuming. 

I used to work at the bank, and an old lady asked me to check her balance, so I pushed her over

this one is for the married men:

sometimes I wake up grumpy. other times i let her sleep in

I sold my vacuum the other day. It was just collecting dust. It sucks

and to finish off, if you ever meet someone who speaks Spanish, just say Mucho. It will mean a lot to them.

We had a meeting with a really nice lady at the veterans home. I am excited to serve there, but that won’t start until January. I also had both my last day at the elementary school, and facilitated my last gathering for pathway (until January). It’s officially Winter break. As a missionary, it’s hard to not be busy. I know I’m lucky to be home for the holidays and I like spending time with my family, but my only current official assignment is the temple on Fridays and Saturdays. If you have any service ideas for me, shoot me a text or email:)


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