First zone conference!

This week the service mission had our first zone conference with the proselytizing missionaries. It was in the middle of nowhere in a barn in Declo, Idaho, which is an hour away. It was the first time we had anyone from the mission drive the van anywhere and so they didn’t know how to get me in and out of the car or how the ramp works or how to push me through the gravel. The barn was surrounded by gravel so that was stressful haha. I talked them through it and they did great. 

I was able to meet the mission president and his wife and they seem awesome. We had food and then went outside and took pictures (unfortunately had to navigate the gravel again). I was grateful they did an awesome job of including the service missionaries. We listened to an amazing speaker. The man who spoke to us was so powerful and bold. His testimony was very strong and I hope to be where he is one day in his knowledge of the gospel. We watched a video that had pictures of all of the baptisms that month and us service missionaries serving. I felt the spirit so strongly while watching that video. I know that this is God‘s church. It is real and true and it is spreading to all people. The gathering of Israel is happening on the Earth today. As I was filled with the spirit in that moment, I received an answer to my prayers and I cried hard. I’m so grateful for the knowledge of the restored gospel and the blessings it brings to my life.

The service missionaries and I went caroling at the veterans home and another care facility. Elder Bogan is amazing on the piano which was so good because a cappella sucks haha. It was fun to see those old people that I will be serving starting in January. 

SMT is over. I loved it and will definitely miss it. 

One question I loved this week was “What have you learned so profoundly by the power of the holy ghost that if you deny it you would know you were lying.” I challenge you to write down your thoughts and testimony. What has the spirit taught you? What do you know to be true? It is important to hold onto those things and remember the experiences we have had with the spirit. 

Christmas was so fun and I am so lucky to be home with my family. We are so blessed BECAUSE OF JESUS. Spoiled actually. He was the ultimate gift. Not only is He the reason for the season, but He is the reason for all that is light and happy.


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