
This week was awesome. I learned so much and had so many new experiences. I had my first and second shifts in the temple. I worked in the office recording ordinances. It’s pretty cool to know how the ordinances are all recorded. They are always recorded on the day that they are performed. I sat in front of a computer and scanned each name card. This puts them in the system and makes sure every ordinance is accounted for. I love the temple. It is so beautiful and peaceful. I also learned there are paying jobs in the temple! I never knew they offer real jobs not just service opportunities. Pretty cool. 

One thing I love about being a full-time missionary is having the opportunity to study the gospel every day. I finished the Book of Mormon on sunday! I loved reading it so much that I read it in less than a month. The book of Mormon is so special and we are so blessed to have it. I know that the Book of Mormon is the word of God. 

I had an awesome conversation about Faith with my grandpa. He is a scripture whiz, and I love studying with him. Faith is an interesting thing. The first principle of the gospel. Our faith is in and should be centered around Christ. It is both a thing in our minds, and also a word of action. It all starts out with a desire to believe. Then a belief. Then a trial and test of our faith comes before knowledge. Knowledge comes last. To know something is always first by faith and then through the spirit. No miracles are brought to pass but by faith. I invite you to study and learn about faith. What can you do to strengthen your faith?

I love being a missionary and I love serving the lord. My schedule is starting to fill up and I am becoming more and more busy. Sorry not much info this week but more to come next week!

Ether 12: 6 And now, I, Moroni, would speak somewhat concerning these things; I would show unto the world that faith is things which are hoped for and not seen; wherefore, dispute not because ye see not, for ye receive no witness until after the trial of your faith.


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