Who is Jesus

This week I facilitated my first gathering for BYU Pathway. They gather on zoom because the students in my group are in South Africa. There is a lead student who leads the discussion so the service missionaries are there to help and support the lead student and answer questions.
two funny experiences this week:

I was able to help a group that needed to see their presentation. As I was sharing my screen, I tried to go to the next slide. Instead of going to the next slide, it went to the next picture. This unfortunately was a picture of me after a haircut with my shirt off. “That’s not the right picture” I said as I quickly stopped sharing my screen. It was embarrassing but so funny. The students could not stop laughing.

I served at a charter school with 1st graders. I was waiting in the office and a kid came in saying that he threw up on the bathroom floor and couldn’t make it to the toilet. Then three kids came in and told on someone who had a knife in the bathroom. A little later in the hall, the kids were all switching stations, and a little boy threw up all over the hallway out of nowhere. One of the teachers looked at me and said, “welcome to elementary school” haha I love working with kids.

We had a powerful meeting as a service mission on Thursday. We were talking about our weaknesses that we have overcome. I was able to share about my story and some things I’ve overcome. For the first time since my accident, I came to a realization that I really have learned a lot. Humility, patience, and many more things that I probably would never have learned if I didn’t break my neck. 

I was also able to share my story with my aunt and uncles missionaries in Minnesota. (they are serving as mission presidents). I showed pictures and told my story. I then shared my testimony and told them how blessed and lucky they are to be serving missions. I challenged them, and also want to challenge whoever reads this, to be more grateful in their prayers and lives. Try offering a prayer of pure gratitude. 

I was talking to my grandpa and we were talking about the spirit and manifestations of the spirit and how they come. He asked about my testimony. I told him that the spirit has not yet confirmed the truthfulness of the book of mormon to me. I told him that it has confirmed to me that Joseph Smith is a true prophet and I know also by the spirit that Jesus Christ knows me and loves me and knows what I’m going through. I know Joseph Smith translated the book of Mormon and that it testifies of Jesus Christ. My grandpa told me that that in and of itself is a testimony of the Book of Mormon. Then I think of all of the people that believe it and know of its truth. Plus feeling the spirit while listening to their testimonies. I do know it’s true and I do have a testimony of it. I know it can help and bless peoples lives and change people. There have been way too many stories and experiences and evidences that it is true for me to doubt. Although I have not yet had an intimate spiritual experience about the book of mormon, I know it will come eventually.

In Service Missionary Training we were challenged to quickly write in our journals who Jesus is. I just wanted to share the first thoughts that came to my mind. 

He is God‘s son. He is my brother, my friend, and my Savior. He has made it possible for me to repent, be forgiven, and return to my Heavenly Father. He is the life and the light of the world. He lives. He leads and guides His church on the Earth today. He is perfect. The perfect example. He is my advocate with the Father. His love for me is more than I can comprehend. I want to be like him. I want to be as smart as Him. As kind. As patient. As loving. As giving. As perfect as Him. He can help me. I’m so grateful that He knows me by name. I know He knows of my trials and my heartaches. He knows how I’m feeling and what I’m going through at all times. He is Jesus Christ.


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