3 years

The service missionaries and I did baptisms for the dead on Tuesday. It was such a cool experience because some of them had actually never done it before! 

Friday was my 3 year anniversary of my accident. The day I survived. My rebirthday. April 26th. It is crazy it has been that long, but it also feels like it happened a lifetime ago. You might think it would be a hard day for me, but it actually isn’t. I have learned and grown so much in the past 3 years. I have decided that since my birthday is so close to Christmas and I never know what to ask for, I will just start celebrating with presents on the day that changed my life forever.

My mom asked what I wanted to do to celebrate my life and I replied serve in the temple. I got to spend more than 5 hours there that day. I worked in the office from 1 to 4 and then did baptisms and confirmations with my little brother and his friend. I love the temple. We are so lucky to have one so close and I am so lucky I get to be there so often. 

I love king Benjamin’s address. An awesome line that stuck out to me was in Mosiah 2:22. It says that “all that he requires of you is to keep his commandments”. We are eternally indebted to Him. Nothing we can do will ever repay God for what He has done for us. All He asks is that we keep His commandments. That’s it. What is the downside? There is none. No cons. No reason not to. Why would you sacrifice your infinite eternal joy for a brief moment of temporary worldly happiness. Turn to Him. He loves you. Keep His commandments. 

Think celestial. Live celestial. Achieve celestial. 


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