
This week I was headed to my typical weekly institute class. We meet upstairs and I have to use the elevator to get up there. We have never had issues with the elevator, and it rarely needs maintenance. When we got there, the elevator wasn’t working. After trying a couple of times, I thought if I say a prayer, God will definitely make the elevator work so that I can go to Institute. I knew it was a good thing to ask for, and I figured that in no way could it be against God‘s will. I said a prayer in faith and was almost positive it would work. I told my mom to just try one more time, confident that God had answered my prayer. 


Why wouldn’t God answer my prayer? I was trying to go to institute! Why wouldn’t he help me get there? We tried to get help to see if anyone knew a simple fix. A very kind man offered to help. After trying a few things, he still couldn’t get it to work. The elevator needed maintenance. The man apologized and kindly offered to carry me upstairs or for me to join the mission prep class, which he would start teaching in 15 minutes. Since I was already there and didn’t have anything better to do, my mom told me to just go to the class and maybe I’ll bless someone by being there, which is something I actually hadn’t even considered. I reluctantly decided to join his class. 

I talked to the teacher for a minute, and we found out that we are fifth cousins lol. The room filled with friends and familiar faces. I sat by and talked to a friend who I was happy to see. He has not been able to go on his mission yet due to health complications. I was very touched by his faith and testimony. As the class went on, I was very impressed with the lesson and the things that people shared. The teacher told us that his wife has leukemia. You just never know what people are going through. 

At the end of the class, I was able to share my testimony. I told them all that they would be amazing missionaries. I shared a little bit about my experience serving a mission and how much I love it. I testified about how it will change their lives and greatly benefit them. I shared how much closer I am to my Savior, how much my testimony has grown, how my love for the Gospel and for others has significantly increased, and how their missions will do the same for them. I shared about service missions and how they are a great option for anyone. I closed my testimony and the teacher goes, “I think we’ll end with that. Closing prayer?”

Afterwards, the teacher thanked me and told me that he knew God had prevented the elevator from working. He was so grateful that I attended his class that day. He told me that he knew that someone in the class needed to hear what I had to say. Many of the students came up to me and told me that I said exactly what they needed to hear or that I was there just for them that day. It was very special.

I said a prayer of gratitude in humility for what God had done. I’m not sure if there was actually anyone who needed me there that day, but I knew that God had answered my prayer.

Sometimes God gives us broken elevators or prevents our elevators from working. Sometimes we pray with all our might and faith, hoping He will fix our elevators. Sometimes it can feel like He doesn’t even hear or answer us. It can be hard not to get bitter and just drive home. It can be hard to forget about ourselves and serve others. To use our gifts and testimonies to bless others. God has a plan for you. He knows better. I promise. He loves us. He knows and wants what’s best for us. You can trust Him. He hears and answers every single prayer. 

Looking back, I was much better off with a broken elevator. You may choose to become bitter. You may choose to be offended. You may choose to drive home. Don’t focus on trying to fix your elevator. God knows better. Trust Him. Choose to help others instead, I promise you’ll be happier. 

Words of Mormon 1:

7 And I do this for a wise purpose; for thus it whispereth me, according to the workings of the Spirit of the Lord which is in me. And now, I do not know all things; but the Lord knoweth all things which are to come; wherefore, he worketh in me to do according to his will.


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