Why me

Five months ago today, I was set apart as a Missionary. I have learned and grown so much. Mainly in my testimony and love for the gospel, but also in my love for others. I am learning to be in tune with the spirit. I am learning how prayer works. How to study the scriptures. How to plan and schedule. How to set goals. How to better love my neighbor. I am learning things I never would have learned had I not served a mission.  

Learning is literally the reason we are here on Earth. We are all here to learn from each other. From ourselves. From our mistakes. From our trials. We are all given trials. Each person’s trials are hard for them individually. 

Bad things happen to good people. Life is unfair. This is not because God doesn’t love us, but because he does.

Don’t blame God for everything that goes wrong in your life. Never doubt his love for you. He loves you more than you can even comprehend. Heavenly Father sacrificed His son for us. This is the greatest gift because it allows us to return to Him. The only way to happiness is through our Savior. He suffered and died for us. He always knows what we are going through. He loves us perfectly and will never forsake us. Never blame God.

Don’t ask “why me?” or “why did this have to happen to me?” You know exactly why. Mortality sucks. It is supposed to be that way. We can’t always control our circumstances. We can’t always control the hand we are dealt. Our attitude and the way we react to adversity are the only things we can always control. Take advantage of this gift you have been given. 

Seek an eternal perspective. Think celestial. Thank God for your hardships. Serve Him through your trials. Worship Him on your hard days. Praise Him in spite of your tribulations. He is right there with you. 

Romans 8: 

38 For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come,

39 Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.


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