What a week

A weeks worth. You better get a snack... All of the days bleed together and sometimes I can't remember one day from another. It's a touch groundhogish almost (Movie with Bill Murray). I should maybe do what he does and try different tactics to see what works best and makes Porter the happiest and produces the best results. Watching for lessons to be learned each day and using them to my benefit. Now that I'm thinking about it....maybe I'll do that. However, I have written down a few notes about each day. Monday started out fairly typical - got Porter up and going. His blood pressure tends to always be a little low in the morning, so we were taking it slow. Dan and Jade got him downstairs in the stand up machine. He was super mellow. He was feeling very low energy and dizzy and light-headed. They pushed and encouraged him until they could tell he wasn't really up for it. I brought him back to the room and let him sleep for a bit. My cute sister, Jenny, brought so...