Faith and God's Will

The skies were gray and cloudy when I awoke on Sunday. I know Utah has been needing some rain, so this was a welcome sight. I had decided to fast - there were a lot of things on my mind, but I also wanted to do a little extra to help Utah get some rain. I have been thinking a lot about faith and the will of God. This whole situation with Porter is such a weird place to be in - wanting to have the faith for him to walk and even be healed completely, but then to simultaneously be willing to accept God's will for us. I can't seem to figure out which way to lean more. Can you do both? And if you accept God's will which may be that he doesn't walk, have I not exercised enough faith?? or is my faith not sufficient? But I know there are hundreds, maybe even thousands of people praying for Porter and isn't all that faith combined enough? And if it is God's will that he doesn't walk, do I stop praying for and having faith that he can and will? All of these thoughts run through my head. I don't ever feel doubt or disbelief or a lack of faith - I just want to know! I feel like it may help me get from here to there or what to expect....but that's not the way it goes, right? Joy in the journey. If we knew the end from the beginning...what's the fun in that? I texted a few people these thoughts and feelings and felt strengthened by their responses and their insights and their testimonies. 

I was teary when Paul and Sawyer walked in and Paul just sat by me and I laid on his chest and it felt so good to be with him and by him and have his arm around me. It's hard to be apart and to be dealing with such a huge thing in our life. He wants to be here all the time and I'm sure he is in his thoughts. It's frustrating for him to not have me respond to his texts or answer his questions. It may seem like I don't have much going on, but I feel like I hardly have a second to look at my phone. I'm wanting to be engaged with the nurses and doctors and therapists and watch everything. He's taking care of so many things at home and I know it's overwhelming. But, we are trying to keep in touch and be there for each other. Sawyer seems to be doing well. He has always been a productive kid, so I know he is just keeping busy and golfing when he has down time. He has been fun to text. We haven't let our children have phones until they start driving, but with all that's going on, we felt like it would be beneficial for Sawyer to have a means of communicating with us. I love it when he spams me. (Spam = doing a lot of something) He was so cute with Porter this weekend. 

Our good friends, the Bartholets, from Pocatello dropped by and said hello. They came bearing gifts and lots of love. It's fun to have a touch of home. They have been so helpful with so many things for us over the past couple of weeks. Filling in lots of holes in our life. We are so grateful.

We were able to join our ward for our church services via zoom. It was a sweet meeting and we also felt grateful we were able to partake of the sacrament in our room. It had been a few weeks. On Saturday, Porter asked me if we would be able to do that. He said, "I've missed taking the sacrament. It'll be good to do it." I'm grateful Paul was here to provide that for us. Once again, the rehab room, took on a sacred feeling. Knowing we were in a holy place, set apart from the world. I have no doubt angels attended. I wish I were more in touch with the spirit world. I wish I knew who was standing at Porter's bedside watching over him. I wish I could feel who gave me a hug the other night. I wish I could see those that are telling Porter he's brave, he's strong and that he can do it. I know they are here. For that, I am grateful. We also tuned into Paul's cousin, Mitch's talk. He's a fabulous speaker, and my boys were fully involved in his message. I'm glad we were able to listen in. 

We hadn't really planned what to eat for lunch and so we pulled out our PB&J and made a few sandwiches. Porter was kind of bummed and was hungry, but knew we didn't have many options. After his first bite of a dumb sandwich, we had a knock at the door and our cute friend, Stacey, who has a son upstairs from us, offered us those delicious warm poppy seed ham and cheese sandwiches that Porter loves. He was thrilled. It was a tender mercy for sure. I love stuff like that. It made everything all better. 

Porter's good friends, Preston, James and Zanna, came to visit too, along with the Francis family, whom he loves. He was so excited to see them. The hugs were precious. My heart! They laughed and talked and gave him the run down on things that are going on. He was smiling the whole time. I enjoyed talking to my awesome friend, Melanie, too. It feels so good to see the people that are part of our every day lives. It's been a minute. I miss them. I'm so grateful for them. I know Porter enjoyed seeing them so much. 

When we got back to our room, I got a text from our friend, Shirley, in Virginia. She told us how she had felt strengthened throughout the day as she wore her Power of Porter t-shirt. This made my heart happy. And then I saw pics of so many of our friends in Virginia that had purchased the t-shirts and had gotten together to take pictures. They knew Porter 8 years ago. They helped me raise him. He made everyone laugh and smile. Some of them, haven't seen him since we left. But just right there - so many prayers, so much faith, so much support, so much LOVE.

Another awesome thing transpired as well. Our amazing orthodontist, Jeff McMinn, drove down from Pokie to take Porter's braces off. He was scheduled to get them off this week, so Dr. McMinn offered to come do this for Porter. He was VERY excited. He brought his tools and high tech gear and popped those suckers off and did a scan so he can make him retainers and it was fabulous. He also brought his lovely assistant, Maja, along. It was very fun to see them and visit with them. All of the staff here was like, "What? Your orthodontist came all the way down to do this for him? Never seen that before." Pretty awesome. Porter looks FABULOUS! He is darling and looks more grown up. Happy day.

We gave Porter a shower and he got pretty cold. He doesn't love showering. It's long and cold and we're not very good at it yet. But, he doesn't complain. He was full on shivering when we were done, so we got him back in bed and asked for a bunch of blankets from the warmer. He was all snug in bed and the nurse came in to do trach care and all of a sudden, his trach was laying on his chest. She had accidentally popped it out. I was stressed. Porter was calm and it didn't seem to be affecting him. The nurse called for respiratory and Porter said, "Why don't you just leave it out?" They have been talking about taking it out tomorrow anyway. But, they felt like they couldn't make that call, so the RT (respiratory therapist) came in and cleaned it off and slid it back in. It was pretty uncomfortable for Porter having it put back in and he was coughing and kind of bugged. He asked me to put a warm blanket over his face and he stayed like that for about an hour. I don't know if it was just that he needed a moment because it was stressful, or if he just was cold and didn't want to talk to anyone. I could see that it was helping him calm his cough down. Ohhhh, all of this is so weird. Like, what is going on? ugh! I'm glad it turned out ok and I'll be soooo thrilled when that thing comes out. 

Paul and Sawyer had to leave. I was sad. I don't like them to leave. I didn't want to let go. I miss them so much. 

Porter and I turned on The Chosen so we could watch the new episode. It's amazing. I'm telling you....Watch it. Their slogan is COME AND SEE! and you should. You won't be disappointed. My sister ordered shirts for me and Porter from their merchandise. The shirts say, "Get Used to Different." I can't wait. I'm definitely getting used to different. And I like it.

I am choosing to have faith in the every day miracles and I KNOW that God will not withhold a miracle for Porter because of my lack of faith. I know His plan for him is bigger than I can understand in my limited mortal understanding right now. I believe that Porter will live to fulfill all that the Lord has in mind for him.  I will TRUST and go forward with faith allowing God's will to prevail. I know that the atonement of Jesus Christ covers all that we are experiencing and His enabling power will continue to sustain us. I love Him and I LOVE MY PORTER! 


  1. Such a beautiful read before going to sleep. Thank you for being Porter’s mother, his night nurse and his best friend. You are holding us all together, Laura. I love you and I believe in the angels that are there with you and the miracles that will continue. 🙏😇🙏

  2. From Come Follow Me - “Ye cannot behold with your natural eyes, for the present time, the design of your God … and the glory which shall follow after much tribulation” (Doctrine and Covenants 58:3). Yes, life is full of tribulation, even wickedness, but we can “bring to pass much righteousness; for the power is in [us]” (verses 27–28).

  3. Oh my goodness, I’ve been contemplating this same Faith question for almost a year now. This quote from Elder Holland has brought so much peace. “Faith is for the future. Faith builds on the past but never longs to stay there. Faith trusts that God has great things in store for each of us and that Christ truly is the “high priest of good things to come.”
    I’ve decided it’s not our job to worry about the future. It’s our job to trust in Christ. It is in and through him that we will find our way. When we trust in Him, the how and when doesn’t matter at all. He will lead us to the great things he has in store for matter what that looks like.
    You have been a great example of this. Your faith builds my faith.

  4. Cool you and the boys heard me speak. I remember having the EXACT feelings about faith vs. God's will when Tag was in the NICU. Here's an insight: It all works out and our team wins, so be patient. Porter's looking good. It's the best getting your braces off! Love you guys.

  5. Love this blog baby!! It’s so good!! Thank you so much for recording this experience for our posterity!! I love you and Porter!!❤️

  6. Reading your blog is the absolute highlight of my day. I save it for when I have some time to thoroughly read it and absorb every bit of love and faith you portray. I like how you talked about the idea of grappling with faith in miracles vs accepting God’s will. I have felt similar feelings in recent months and it’s tricky, but you put it into words so well. It’s doesn’t cause you doubt, it’s just tricky to think of where to place your faith. But I listened to a talk given at a nursing conference the other day about this very topic. She talked about the power of hope and how having hope can propel you forward, even if the exact thing you hope for never comes to fruition. It’s ok to have hope for things, and also be willing to accept things as they are at the same time. It made sense to me, as it obviously does to you. You are amazing. Thank you for sharing your heart with us. You are helping us to feel Porter’s Power and I can speak for myself and many others when I say that he has already blessed many of our lives. Love you.

  7. "I KNOW that God will not withhold a miracle for Porter because of my lack of faith. I know His plan for him is bigger than I can understand in my limited mortal understanding right now."
    So wonderfully put. We are praying for you all, thank you for all of these details, makes it easier to be more specific in our prayers. Also, thank you for sharing all of these powerful insights. 💪🙏

  8. On May 2, 2018, my beautiful, vibrant, 49 year-old second daughter died suddenly and unexpectedly of a massive ruptured brain aneurysm. She lived about 6 hours away. All the way up I prayed with everything I had that she would begin to have brain activity and recover. In my prayers I begged, pleaded, and cried, and I ended my prayers with "Thy will be done, and I will accept Thy will with grace." When I arrived at the hospital and took her face in my hands and kissed her, I knew with 100% certainty that she had passed through the veil. I told myself that it was time to "put up or shut up": it was now time to accept His will with grace. So I started praying for strength, acceptance, guidance, and begged Him to stay close to me because I needed Him more now than ever. I felt an overwhelming sense of peace. I believe that faith is accepting whatever His will is and asking for help and guidance to navigate it. Porter has already had miracles: he survived this horrendous accident; he can talk, laugh, recognize everybody, interact. It would be off-the-charts awesome if he makes a full recovery. But it has nothing to do with your faith: I sense that your faith is iron-clad strong. It has to do with God's will. Heavenly Father has something very important for Porter: and in the meantime, you will find strength within yourselves you never imagined you had. Each day is a miracle, for Porter, and for you. My prayers are with you all, each and every day, and that Porter will make a full recovery. And that you will have the strength to accept whatever lies ahead. Stay strong!
    My name is Barbara, and I am Kieri Coombs friend (Carmel, CA)

  9. Oh you are amazing!! You are doing everything you need to for Porter! You had a busy day when we came to see you... it was the highlight of my month and can't wait to come see you again!! Love you!!

  10. Oh you are amazing!! You are doing everything you need to for Porter! You had a busy day when we came to see you... it was the highlight of my month and can't wait to come see you again!! Love you!!

  11. Hi Laura
    I am listening.
    ....grateful to have somewhere to go where my heart can ease up.
    Thank you for your loving, fine example and ongoing generosity.
    suzanne (in Va)

  12. I have loved following you guys on this journey. Many times in my life I have wondered if I had enough faith to be healed. Then one day I remember hearing Elder David A Bednar speak about having the faith not to be healed. Having faith of both types allows us better to accept God's will even when we do not understand.
    I cannot imagine what Porter has gone through but he has impressed me. He keeps going even though it is very different from before the accident. He shows all of us that God does care about each of us and the circumstances we each have.
    Faith is sufficient even when what we desire the most doesn't come when we hope and want it too.


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