We are builders

Hiking the Subway in Zion National Park was one of the things we were looking forward to most about our vacation. We have put in for a permit for a couple of years and were so happy when we got it. As it got closer this week, we decided it would be good for the kids to be out in nature and make some memories. Of course, I told Paul to go ahead and go with the kids, because I still can't break away from my baby. Luckily, I've done the hike and so I felt ok about it. They had to get up early to get everything ready and I got them on their way. It was kind of sad because it's the last time I'll be with Ellie and Ossian before they head to Oklahoma for the summer to do sales. Its been so good for our family to be together in this and not have any other distractions of school, life, work or anything. We have been able to focus on Porter and each other and being a family. I have been so proud of my kiddos (and their awesome spouses) this week....all of them. They can do hard things. They are strong. They are faithful. They know where to turn for peace. I started a family motto quite a few years back - WE ARE BUILDERS! I would say (or yell) it to them when they would be unkind or critical of each other. It has taken on new significance to me this week. It is time for us to Build. Build our faith. Build our testimonies. Build an atmosphere of positivity. Build a world where Porter can progress and recover. Build relationships. Build our desire to serve and love better. Our lives are made up of building. I love building things and I'm happy to take on this new project and build a beautiful life with my family with a slightly different blueprint than I previously had in mind. 

Porter had a restless night. They said he had been labile, which means he would spike or drop his numbers with just the slightest change. But, by the time I got to the hospital, he had settled down and seemed peaceful. The doctor came and talked to me and said they had decided he needs to be on heparin (an anticoagulant) for another day or two. Keeping him from having a stroke is TOP priority. So they will keep him on it until Monday and then do some imaging and see where we stand with blood clots. They have tentatively planned the tracheostomy for Tuesday. With that in mind, they decided to change the tube to the other side of his mouth since he'll have it for a few more days. About halfway through that ordeal, I had to leave the room. Its torture watching him gagging, eyes watering, and his face turn red. I CAN NOT imagine how uncomfortable that must be and frustrating. He was wheezing and gurgling and they were suctioning his tube and his mouth and retaping it all. Oh man. It was too much. So, I found myself again pacing the hall. I am learning sometimes I need to step away and take some deep breaths. When I returned, all was well. We have been trying to turn him ever so slightly to avoid skin irritation and weight loading. His temperature was spiking and dropping all day, so they started to worry about infection. I hope he doesn't have an infection. 

It was a pretty uneventful day, which is good. He was opening his eyes way more and I read this blog to him. He facetimed some cousins and he listened to music. He looks good. He's being such a good sport. I feel like my heart was fragile today, but not as heavy. We will be fasting tomorrow as a family for Porter's diaphragm to work so that he will be able to breathe on his own. Also, we will pray that he does not get any new clots and that the ones that were there will be gone. You are welcome to join us in our effort to unite our faith and prayers in Porter's behalf.

Kindnesses and blessings have been evident all throughout the day. We appreciate anyone and everyone that has reached out to us and prayed for Porter and supported us as we climb this mountain. 

We opened a really fun package tonight from the girls/friends I work with in Pocatello. They designed and sent us the cutest t-shirts EVER. We LOVE THEM!



  1. You BUILD so beautifully all that is faithfully good and true - Porter is so blessed to have YOU as his loyal, faithful wonderful mom and that of your sweet family to help him climb this difficult mountain of HOPE through CHRIST who makes it all possible. WE know and testify of this reality to be true and of all tender tender mercies and miracles! 🙏🏼 “For behold, I am God; and I am a God of ​​​miracles​; and I will show ​​unto the ​​​world​ that I am the same yesterday, today, and forever; and I ​​​work​ not among the children of men save it be ​​​according​ to their faith.”

    We love you and are fasting and continually praying for you
    Justin, Kari & family ♥️

  2. You are and have always been a builder Laura. And you will build something beautiful from this experience. I love that We Are Builders is your motto. I love it so much.

  3. Laura, you have been so brave. My wish to be there and step in when you step out is my greatest desire. This quote from Conference from Elder Wong was shared as I listened to Women’s Conference..and I found this scripture from his talk. It is just what you and Porter are doing. “Waiting faithfully upon the Lord for his blessings is a holy position”.
    “Isaiah pronounces: They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run and not be weary, and walk and not faint. “

  4. We’re fasting praying for Porter. I personally have been inspired by your faith looking ahead for the miracles that aren’t yet seen...we’re so happy for all the miracles along your path already. Much love Matt and Michelle Ricks

  5. I am inspired by this blog and your journey already. This May I am filled with gratitude for Porter’s spirit, personality, and your presence.

  6. We fasted for Porter today and want you to know he is constantly in our prayers. We sure love you!!

    1. This is Gregg & Marian using Will’s account btw

  7. My dear Laura. I feel your pain. It has been 25 years since Calvin’s life changing accident. We have become a stronger family over those years and have been tutored by the Lord. I feel his love.

    We send our love from beautiful Hebgen Laje.

  8. As we fasted today for our sweet Brinton family, the closing song in Sacrament meeting brought tears to our eyes and touched our heart, as we reflected on our dear friends and this journey of life they now are on. Listen to the words of that song... I hope that it speaks words of comfort to your souls....
    "Precious Savior, Dear Redeemer, thou wilt bind the broken heart.Let not sorrow overwhelm us, dry the bitter tears that start. Curb the wind and bind the billows, Bid the angry tempest cease. Precious Savior, Dear Redeemer, Grant us ever lasting peace." #thepowerofporter

    1. Jeni here (even though it will say elder Jake. We all even elder Jake prayed and fasted for you. Laura you are a builder and I love the quote your mom shared. The idea is waiting upon the lord is something I believe to be one of the hardest but best things we can do. It requires that we are meek and humble of heart - I love the t-shirts. And so glad the family got to do the subway. We love you. We pray for you everyday. Thank you for sharing and inspiring!

  9. We had our Corn-holes-that-Laura-built out at the Jake&Mary soirée last night! We missed and admire the family that Paul & Laura built (are building). You will rebuild him and he will rebuild all of us: 6million dollar Porter!

  10. We are sending prayers, fasting, love and support from Colorado as well. We look forward to hearing how he is doing and can feel so much love and holiness in your words. You are an example of faith amidst the hardest things and we know you will continue to march into the fire and do well. Porter (and the rest of your kids) are lucky to have you as parents. We sure love you--Bart and Mindy Williams--Erik's sister


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