We love PT/OT

I am so grateful I have been able to be here with Porter. I am thankful that so many people are filling in for me where I can't be and what I can't do right now. I feel spoiled with the food and kindnesses of so many that are helping me here at the hospital. It's been so nice to not think about food and laundry. I feel so so grateful. I am learning so much every day about things I knew nothing about. They are so good here to explain everything and to give Porter knowledge about what's going on. They also give him choices. They always ask him what he wants to do and what his goals are for the day. They make him feel like he is in charge of his therapy. They expect him to do everything he can do and really encourage him to do things he hasn't done before. They are amazing. For example, the occupational therapist, taught Porter how to put on his own shirt. But not like - ok Porter put your shirt on. He walked him through it. He showed him different ways to move his hands and arms than he's used to in order to engage the muscles he has and encouraged him to use his teeth or gravity to his benefit. If he'd get stuck, he'd give him a suggestion of something else he could try. It's so amazing to watch Porter's wheels turning in his head as he strategizes movement.  He will figure it out. 

In physical therapy they had him in this cool seat thing that has some pads on his knees and chest and that press against him to hold him and then little by little they raise/tilt the chair and then take a break and then a little more and break until they had Porter almost completely standing up straight. Since he hasn't been upright like that, it's a lot on his body to circulate the blood and have the weight on his feet. So they take it really slow and make sure he's okay at each level. He got pretty light headed towards the end, but felt like it was a great first attempt. They are super encouraging. 

After therapy, Porter and I went and hung out outside. It was a beautiful day. Out front there was a guy in a wheelchair waiting for a taxi and so we just started visiting with him. I asked him, "What happened to you?" He looked at me like he was confused and said, "Nothing, what happened to you?" I felt awkward and apologized and told him I was new to the this world and needed his help to know what to say and not to say. He laughed and said, "I'm just messing with you." I told Porter it looks like he needs to get some good one liners. But, maybe ones that don't make people feel bad or too awkward. haha. He went on to tell us his story of trying to commit suicide and how grateful he was that he lived and that there is nothing in the world more important than people and family and loving relationships. He said, "It doesn't matter if you're in a wheelchair or not, as long as you have awesome people in your life." He made some jokes about how the chicks love guys in wheelchairs and stuff. He was so nice to Porter and gave him some good advice. 

My cute mom brought us some yummy food and we sat out on the patio and ate. It's so wonderful having Porter eat anything and everything. His jaw is getting less tired and food is starting to taste better because they have stopped his feeding through his tube. They want to see if he can get in enough calories before they pull it. So we've been trying to feed him well. His swallowing is going perfectly and he can even do pills now. We are so encouraged by all of these things. If his stinkin' stoma (quite literally) would just close up we could get that trach out. But, patience brings progress. 

We also had a fun visitor come by while my mom was still here. My childhood friend's mom came and said hello. It was great to see her and feel of her love for our family. She made us feel like we were superheros. She was sooooo nice and took my laundry to wash for me. I was so grateful. I continue to be humbled and strengthened by everyone and their belief in us and in God.

Porter's cousin, Tess, came this afternoon with all sorts of things to entertain Porter. She read to him, went through his texts with him, played her melodica (a portable keyboard that is powered by blowing into it), and watched some tv. He loved having her here and I went to the reflection room while they were hanging out and I reflected. haha. All I reflected on was the back of my eyelids. I was happy for Porter to have someone to hang out with besides me.

We loved seeing Jeff and Jeni (uncle and aunt) and Jake (cousin), when they brought some dinner. They gave Porter some encouragement and made him smile. Porter has always looked up to Jake and when he left he said, "He's such a savage." (savage = cool, awesome guy) So it was a good day filled with lots of love and support. Speaking of love and support -  at about 8:00pm I looked out the window and there were probably 75 people out on the sidewalk with posters and balloons and they were cheering for our friend Josh who is here too. It was sooo sweet and got me all emotional. It was a heartwarming sight.

We watched our nightly episode of Psych and called it a day. 


  1. Laura, your words really help to strengthen my faith. I am grateful for an awesome daughter and a courageous grandson, Porter James.

  2. Visiting Porter is something we might think will encourage him and his mom, but, each time I am there I am encouraged and inspired by them. There is something powerful happening in Porter’s world. His wonderful character and words of love together with Laura’s faith and devotion are a testimony that they are changing lives by living theirs! I know they have changed mine! 🙏😌🙏


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