OK! This was the day we've been waiting and praying for. This is how it went down. Porter and I both got to sleep in a little. He must have had a decent night because when I woke up I felt like I had been asleep for about 3 months. He didn't need me in the night much so I just slept like a teenager. (People always say, 'slept like a baby' but if they were anything like my babies then they were up crying every 30 minutes - so I like to say, slept like a teenager because they know how to sleep.) We were excited and anxious for Miranda to walk in. We got Porter up and all ready in his wheelchair so when she got here we could get going. She was so enthusiastic when she came into the room and was like, "Today you're going to be eating some food buddy." As confident as she seems, I sure hope she's right. She told me I could come with them to the actual X-ray and watch. yay! We wheeled him down and into a cool machine. We got all suited up in our led outfits and got him all situated in the machine. She turned on the monitor and I couldn't believe my eyes. It was soooooo cool. I could see his whole skeleton and his tongue, trachea, epiglottis, esophagus and all the parts of his neck - including his new hardware. Oh, and his braces. Then she would have him drink or eat something that had this barium stuff in it that shows up on X-ray and we would watch it go in his mouth and down his .....ESOPHAGUS!!!! You heard me - his esophagus, exactly where it should go. The epiglottis is working and closing off his windpipe. She said there still is some swelling, but it's not obstructing his swallowing anymore. 

This is such awesome, amazing, wonderful news. He seemed pretty pleased with himself. We ordered him a gatorade and my friend, Nikki, brought him a Jamba Juice - white gummy with peaches. I'm sure he would have preferred to make it himself, but was so happy to taste something familiar. ANY food or drink would have made him happy. We are so thrilled about this step that will make a lot of things happier and easier. Miranda told him to stick to a soft food diet for a few days and to take 2 sips of water between every bite of food. He has been so diligent about that. 

I decided to let him go to therapy on his own today. I want him to rely on other people and also see that other people can do what I'm doing. I went outside to see Debbie, my sister-in-law and we sat in the sun on a bench and just talked. It felt so good. We tried to get back to the room before Porter got back, but he beat us. He was all nicely tucked in his bed and he said therapy went great. Debbie got a little visit with him and she sat and watched some the craziness that happens here. It's nice to have people come visit because then they can better understand the situation, see Porter and hug us. It was very fun to visit with her. 

I need to start writing down the funnyisms that Porter says and does. It is very entertaining and he makes me laugh. We have a few inside jokes about the nurses and aides, so sometimes when they walk in, I start laughing. We have been watching a little bit of tv which we have never done before together. Porter sometimes gets laughing and then it turns into a coughing fit. Maybe a drama would be a better choice. Another big highlight of the day - he was able to FaceTime his friend, Preston, for about 30 minutes. It did my momma heart good to hear them laughing and saying all their phrases and talking about what's going on. I need to get Porter some sort of device to hold the phone for him because I'm sure he doesn't love me standing over him holding it in his face and being in on the whole conversation. They probably want to talk about things teenagers talk about without the boomer right there. Porter is a good sport about all of it. 

I have enjoyed having people visit and getting caught up on their lives. I have definitely been in a time warp and out of touch with reality. I know they come wanting to talk about everything we have going on, but it feels so good to talk about something else too. I still want to be there for them - everyone has been so there for me. I have felt grateful we choose Salt Lake for this very reason. The support has been tremendous. Paul and the boys have felt so supported as well up in Pocatello this week. People are continuing to find ways to bless our lives. We have help at every turn. Thank you! 

Porter is a different person than he was 2 weeks ago. He is breathing, eating, drinking, speaking and rebuilding strength in his body. I never seize to be amazed at the miracle of our bodies and how they work and heal. I am so grateful for my body. More than ever before. Every part, every muscle and fiber, every system, every nerve and vessel. What a gift. I know God is giving me the strength I need to keep taking care of my sweet boy who can't care for himself right now. I will adjust that idiot pillow of his 372 times a night if that's what he needs. I'm here to stay. I'm here to stay.


  1. πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—

  2. So inspiring, I have enjoyed every blog post and we have been praying daily for your family. I got to wear my Power of Porter T—shirt this weekend, So glad his recovery is going well.

  3. Laura, you are so inspiring! We look forward to your blog every day. Way to go, Porter. We are sending love and prayers. Nana and Papa

  4. I find myself checking this all day everyday and am so grateful for every update you post. Thank you for taking the time to document so much of what is going on and what you’re living through. It has been a strength to me and has helped me get a glimpse of your and porter’s world. I just love you both so much!!!

  5. I love all of this. Both you and Porter make me want to be a better person. You are lifting up so many through your trial. Thank you.

  6. I love your updates so much! I show these to my son, Max, who is 15 and it’s humbling. Max prays for Porter. I hope they can be Hebgen buddies in the future.
    Oh that Debbie. She is the best!! I’m so glad she was able to visit!
    Keep going! You are an amazing support to your son. ❤️

  7. I have read every word of every blog and what I hear and feel is a beautiful connection with your amazing son of love hope and faith sweetly mingled with lots of gratitude and incredible tender tender mercies.
    I love you and your heart ♥️

  8. Wow, Laura, This blog makes me so happy! Thank you for writing this all down. I am amazed by you. I remember telling you 20-25 years ago how I thought you should "sleep train" your babies, so you could get more sleep, and you said, "It is only going to be for a little while, and I want to be there for my babies." Now, you are teaching all of us. You are there for Porter, and you will never regret one minute of lost sleep. I love you.

  9. Laura, you and Paul and dear Porter are in our thoughts and prayers every day and we rejoice with you in each tender mercy and step forward. ‘‘By unity of feeling we (truly) obtain power with God” (Sister Eubank). Thank you for sharing your journey and strengthening so many with your faith and gratitude. Love, Nancy and Max Jones

  10. All of or lives have been forever changed these past few weeks as we continue in fervent prayer, asking for help, guidance, patience, miracles for Porter, your family, and the Doctors so they too will know how to help and assist in Porters full recovery. You are an angel to many as you unselfishly share this tender and yet so difficult time in your families life.
    I have to teach a relief society lesson by Elder Renland titled"Infuriating unfairness" Oh boy, how I had to repent as I read your incredible words of love and faith in your Savior and Heavenly Father. I am always asking why, how come, and when it will get better! You have helped me want to do better! So with that, I hope your days ahead continue to bring you all peace, happiness, smiles and more smoothies!!

  11. You're a good momma!!
    Praying for your whole family.

  12. It hurts my heart not to be there with you!! Love you so much baby!!

  13. You are the best. Porter is the best. We love you so much.


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