Mother's Day

For the last 2 weeks, I have been called, Mom, Momma, and Mommy by all the Docs and nurses. Don't know if any of them even know my name, which is fine by me. Because this is a title I love. Many of them would ask me, "What do you do for work?" and naturally I would say, "I am a mom." (Although, I do have a part time job that is the best job in the world because it's what helps me be a better mom, spouse, friend and saint. It's basically a 2-day a week therapy session.) But, every time I would say, 'I am a mom', the nurse or doctor would say - yep that's a full time job in and of itself. I think a girl I follow on instagram said it best yesterday though...

I am just a mom their whole world. 

And that's how I have felt with Porter this last couple of weeks. Doing what we're doing with Porter isn't really much different than what you do with a new baby. They are completely dependent on you and you have to do everything for them. I am kind of looking at it that way, almost like a rebirth. Every day learning and growing and becoming the man he was meant to be. I want the best life possible for my kids. I want to provide every opportunity for happiness I can. I would do anything for him and all of my children. They are MY WHOLE WORLD. 

I was overwhelmed with messages yesterday of tributes to me and telling me I won the mother of the year award and how they could never do what I'm doing. But with every message, I just kept thinking, 'That is so nice, but we all are doing hard things. We are all climbing our own mountains with so many various trials and hardships and we are all doing our best. While our trial with Porter is very obvious, I know there are so many of you that struggle with sorrow the eyes can't see and deal with pain and anguish in matters of the heart. We all have stuff and a lot of it is messy and hard and will test us and try us. But again, isn't that why we came to earth? We are here to prove that we will choose God and allow Him to prevail in our lives. The sister missionaries joined us at the Robisons for dinner yesterday and one of the sisters in her message said, "I feel like maybe we knew some of the trials we were going to face in this life before we came to earth, but we wanted a body and knew that with God and Jesus Christ we could do it. I believe that's why when we are going through our trials, there is something that resonates with us as we seek divine help. Even Jesus Christ knew what He was coming to earth to be and do, and even He, in the hour of supplication was pleading with His father, "If it be possible, let this cup pass from me." He ALSO needed to be strengthened and comforted in His grief and agony. An angel came from heaven to help Him. But even in His moment of weakness He said, "...nevertheless, not my will, but thine, be done." And because He went through with it, He knows how to succor us and help and strengthen us." I thought it was a beautiful thought and I'm grateful she shared that.    


I felt so uplifted and honored yesterday as so many of you shared your thoughts and feelings with me and about me. It is through your strength and faith in me that I am finding the ability to keep going forward. I have my moments for sure, but overall, I feel peace, so thank you!

wow - enough about me - back to Porter. We had a lovely day with him. He was SUPER tired. Like surprisingly tired. He kinda couldn't his eyes open. We facetimed our mothers and our kids. It was fun to let them all talk to Porter for a minute. We watched my Dad give a talk in his ward that was very heartfelt and powerful. Then we watched our sacrament meeting and we were surprised to see Hyrum give a tribute to mom's and me and then we listened to Dave Robison give a talk in his ward. It was wonderful as well. 

Every day Porter is getting stronger in the muscles groups he does have. We are encouraged with the use of his arms. All of his vitals look good and he is doing great not on the ventilator. Then even took the whole machine out of his room. We are anxious and excited about him going to Utah tomorrow. We are ready for the next step. We know it's going to be tough and a lot of work, but we are confident it's going to be just what he needs. 

We were teary as we hugged Dave and Joni goodbye. They have become dear, personal friends to us and I know we will keep in touch throughout our lives. This situation has bound us together. We couldn't have done it without them and their kindness and generosity. I am so mad we didn't get a picture with them. We leave first thing in the morning.

During my prayer before bed, I realized how much the day had focused on me, of course, because I AM THE MOM, but in all of this - there is my sweet, humble, faithful, kind, loving, supportive, dedicated, awesome, wonderful husband who has done everything I have done and has spent every waking moment worrying and helping and loving our sweet Porter. He is the one who has brought laughter and fun to some tough moments. He is the one doing the encouraging of Porter and me. He is the one who is taking care of both of us. He is asking all the right questions and answering so many of my questions. He is also the one worrying about all the stuff that I can't and don't want to think about. He is figuring out all the behind the scenes necessities. He is feeding me and making me sleep. Paul is so brave. He is so patient. He has been so sweet to me. I'm so very grateful to have him by my side. There is no way I could do it without him. I love you Paul. Thanks for letting me be the MOM.


  1. You two are obviously a power couple. Paul will have his day next month ๐Ÿ˜Š. You’re a power FAMILY.

    Thank you for sharing all of this with us. Still fasting and praying for Porter.

  2. I dito the comment, You two are truly Super Hero's! I wanted to share with you about something with you that our son said to us when he was diagnosed with a stage 4 brain tumor. If I knew more about this social media I would send it another way, but maybe someone else might need it too. After we were told about his tumor, we hoped and prayed and cried and fought harder than anyone could. One day our son was talking with Kelly and I and he said, "Mom and Dad I know why I have this brain tumor. I believe when we were in Heaven, our family was called together, and we were told that one of us would have this burden and trial to bear. I told them that I would do it. Because I know that if this had come to any of my family members, brothers, sister or nieces and nephews, I would not have been able to endure it." It was sad, but peaceful in our hearts at the same time, in knowing that he had received this feeling that this was his to bear. We have been so overwhelmed at times thinking about that profound statement from someone who loved life and family sooo much. Him Knowing that his time on earth would be limited. I do believe that somethings do happen for a heavenly purpose and that angels are around us helping us when times of tradgedy come our way. Just like Dave and Joni being there for you, I had a special person, long distance that I was put in touch with, Her son whose name just happended to be Jason, which was our son's name, was also battling a stage 4 brain tumor. AND he just happened to be the same age as our son. NO coincedences in life when we call upon the Lord for guidance and help. To this day, she is still my confident and friend. You will have those friendships that will come over time. Truly, Angels among us as I feel that Porter will have some acquaintences that will be his lifelong friends through this journey of healing. Please know that We are here for anything you need!!! Love to you all.

  3. Hopefully you can get your picnic together sometime and you and Paul are just the right balance for each other... it was so good to see him and talk to him yesterday. Love you all๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿ’™


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